Bio of Storm

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Here's the detail about Storm...

Storm (character)

Storm (character)

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Real Name: Kallen "Kal" Bolt

Alias: Stormy, Weather Boy, Natural Disaster

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 180 cm

Species: Metahuman

Goal: Nothing in particular

Place of Origin: Unknown

Residence: Jump City

Relatives: Unnamed father (unknown), Karry Bolt (mother; deceased)

Occupation: Anti-hero, hero

Affiliations: Teen Titans


Storm is a handsome and attractive young man, having rare white hair and blue eyes. His facial appearance is identical to mix between American and Japanese or Korean.

He almost seen wearing long gray cloak like hoodie jacket with white shirt inside, a necklace hanging over his neck, a bracer or gauntlet at his right hand, a pair of gray fingerless gloves, long gray pants with white belt, and a pair of knee length combat boots.


Storm is appear as a mysterious, but he is actually a kind person. While he don't interact with any strangers, he prefer to be distant because he like to be alone or prefer privacy. Storm mostly act on his own, but he can work with others.

While appear to be normal, Storm is much more than that. Unlike the other Titans, Storm can be more ruthless and arrogant. He is confident of his own skill, even knowing that experience can overpower anyone in the correct way. Having no goal in particular, Storm way of view toward heroes and villains are solely out of entertainment.

Storm's overconfidence and arrogant personality can easily make his opponent's underestimate him easily, but this cannot be mistaken for simply brute. Storm is smart and even though he does underestimate his opponent, doesn't mean he is not careful. He is cautious and do not trust people too easily. If Storm view his opponent weaker than himself, he won't hesitate to call them weak. Aside being smart, Storm can be unpredictable.

Even so, Storm is still a good person. He does have genuine interest in trying to interact and become friends with others because having no family nor friends. In time, Storm grew to care for the team. Storm kept a picture of himself and his mother, which he treasured deeply and kept safe. While he had a healthy parental relationship with his mother, his relation with his father is unknown because he never know who he was.

While Storm originally didn't pick any side, doesn't mean he doesn't like neither. As a villain, or simply a thief, sometimes pickpocket for fun and get extra money. As a hero, Storm's body mostly move out of instinct before he can actually think. But if there is something that triggered Storm, his hero side always be the one that moves.


With almost unknown past, Storm is a person with mysterious life. But he used to live with his mother before she passed away. He live around by moving around areas, simply trying to find things that are fun to do. He met with multiple heroes before, even work with some of them to deal with some villains such as the Weather Wizard along side The Flash.

At some point, he arrives at the outskirt of Jump City, where he stayed at the forest side. While staying there, Storm watch the city and able to remain hidden while keeping himself in the shadows. Throughout his time there, Storm observe the crime rates in Jump City and see how the hero team there dealt with the situation.

While just walking around the forest after hitting the town, Storm is attacked by a huge block like monster who he defeat easily. And after defeating the villain, he met with the city's local heroes who've been protecting it since they arrived; the Teen Titans.

Power & Abilities

Being a metahuman, Storm is naturally born with powers. He possess a powerful ability called Weather Manipulation, which literally means he can manipulate the weather at will. Though through unknown means, even his body is way above normal. He usually fight without weapons.

Weather Manipulation - His main power all him to control weather freely, and able to sense, channel, shape, and create ideal weather, basically the meteorological phenomena. He become granted with an innate connection to the Earth's atmosphere. Not just externally, but he can use his power internally such as controlling his body temperature. By manipulating the wind, he could even fly. Not just pre-existing weather, but he can create a new kind of weather as well.

Immense Physical Ability - Either from training or naturally born with, Storm's physical prowess is all in immense term. Namely, in strength, speed, stamina, durability, senses, etc.

Adaptability - Storm is surprisingly able to adapt in different kind of situation, able to understand what is going on and change his method that is fit with what is occurring.

Master Martial Artist - Storm is not just strong, he is also a master hand-to-hand combat, utilizing it when he fight in close range.

Great Intellect - Storm is very smart, whether it be about knowledge or combat experience. He can understand how things works while using his knowledge to keep things in his way. He even smart enough not trusting people easily and think before act.

Multilingual - Because he travelled around, Storm have knowledge of speaking and understanding different languages. Beside English, he can also speak and understand Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and French. While cannot speak Russian, he can understand the language.


While having no particular weakness, Storm's weakness is his own ability. Whenever Storm is emotionally affected, some weather can be triggered by accident. For example, if Storm is sad or upset, rain will pour down, and if he is angry, a thunderstorm will occur. He also require space or atmosphere as a medium, because without these, he cannot create any kind of weather he wish for. He can only generate portion of power related to the weather.


• Like in the old idea, Storm is heavily inspired by villains than heroes.

• Storm love different culture and have different view of things he like, because he move around quite a lot and see many different kind of things.

• Storm is mixed breed person, but at the same time, he was a mistake.

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