Bio of Lantern

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Here's the detail about Lantern...

Lantern (character)

Lantern (character)

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Real Name: Yu Min-ji

Alias: Green Lantern, Light Girl, Shiny

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 170 cm

Species: Human

Goal: Protecting Jump City (ongoing), Protect the galaxy along with Green Lantern Corps (ongoing)

Place of Origin: Coast City

Residence: Jump City

Relatives: Unnamed Parents (deceased)

Occupation: Hero

Affiliations: Teen Titans, Green Lantern Corps


Lantern is a beautiful teenage girl with long black hair that tied in a bun, and a pair of shade blue eyes. Just everyone in the Corps, she wears a Green Lantern outfit.

Her Green Lantern outfit is tight-fit body suit with green armor like plats on her upper body and shoulders, a pair of white gloves, and a pair of dark green high-heel boots. Her ring is located at her left hand, at the middle finger.


Lantern is a nice girl, being all cheerful, outgoing and cool as well. She can easily speak and socialized with others, capable of speaking what is needed. She is loyal and caring toward her friends, being heroic when needed.

As a hero among the Teen Titans, and a junior member in the Green Lantern Corp, Lantern take her hero job seriously, keeping her relation with both organization well. She keep the peace in making sure that all she did is for the good for herself and others. When it comes to work, she even didn't let her emotion disturb her to make a proper judgement.

However, her cheerful and outgoing personality must not be mistaken for a foolishness or naivety. Lantern is a smart and calculative, being another brain in the team and always move in cautious ways, making sure it is safe for the team and the environment because she dislike proper damage, even when they are fighting. Her intellect also part of her skill, such as her creativity, allow her to make use of her power perfectly.

Lantern respect the elderly, higher ranking people and those who is stronger than her, allowing her to fit well with higher ranking agents at the Green Lantern Corps, and her teammates in the Teen Titans. However, she will question any decisions she found off the way.


Lantern was originally a normal human who have a normal life. One day on her way home as it has become late, she encounter with a green glowing ring that seems to be looking for her. After receiving the ring, it turns out to be a Green Lantern Ring that allow her to transform into combat form and use the power of energy projection based on her willpower and creativity.

While happy about gaining a power, Lantern realize it was also a curse. Her parents were killed by a Yellow Lantern, much to her distraught. When she was about to be killed, a group of Green Lantern manage to found her and drive the Yellow Lantern away. After being rescued, she was recruited into the Green Lantern Corp even for her young age. She adapted quickly and learn much more from them before returning to Earth.

Sometime while having a time at Jump City, she ended up into a conflict where she meet Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg for the first time. They start off a rocky start, but she able to get along with them in such a short time. Not long after, they established the Teen Titans and she become part of the founding member.

Because of her training, Lantern have to return to the corp to continue her training and left Jump City under her teammates protection. By the time she returned back to Earth, to Jump City, she is surprised that Teen Titans have a new recruit into the team.

Power & Abilities

Lantern was originally a normal human before she gain her power. Her power is originate from the her in her left hand, the Green Lantern Ring. Depending on the skill and willpower of herself, the ring can do almost anything. Many Green Lantern fond of her so she gain training from many high ranking agents. Because of her quickly learning and experience, she is respected by many other Green Lanterns.

Enhanced Physical Ability - Before she gain her power, Lantern have trained to the point she gain enhanced level in term of physical ability that exceeded the aspect of normal human. This indicate that she could be a former athlete.

Energy Projection - By using her power, she can project any of items using energy. All of what she created are all glow in green, no matter what she created.

Willpower Constructs - By using her power, she can turn her own willpower into different forms and objects of varying detail and permanence. This ability range from simple shapes and images to individual elements, substance and material, to functional items like weapons, to even more complex creations such as entire structures and even something that effect environment itself.

Great Intellect - Lantern is very smart, and know to have use her creativity in order to use her power. She is careful and calculative, tend to use the best solution in time of crisis.

Indomitable Will - Lantern have a very strong willpower, as it is the source of her power as well. She almost impossible to break, making it hard to beat her because of her will that remain strong no matter what the pressure she faces.

Multilingual - Through the Green Lantern Ring, Lantern is capable of understanding and speaking various kind of languages.


For being a powerful heroine, Lantern have her own weaknesses as a Green Lantern. Without her ring, Lantern is simply a normal human, because the Green Lantern Ring is the very source of her power. Even if she have her ring and power, if her willpower is weakened, it same goes that her power becomes nothing.


• This Green Lantern is a left handed.

• Lantern is based on Jessica Cruz, but only her costume design, not entire character.

• Lantern is a party freak.

(A/N: Lantern is not belong to me. She belong to VelzardSimp.)

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