Abnormal Weather - Part 1

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(A/N: While I am writing about the series, I won't be writing to the whole story. Which means I won't be writing about each episodes, only the selected ones. Storm and Lantern the main point here, and they will get their own arc. Because Starfire the only one who have not arc focus on her, I decided to write one for her. This story starts during Season 2. Extra note; this is not OC x Starfire. Storm will get his own girl, though unfortunately, not among the characters from the series.)

In the new age of the Superhuman Society, this world is on going in their evolution or revolution in life. While the most of the world's population are normal human, there are rise of metahuman, the extra terrestrial, and even more unknown beings that come to life. But the eyes of everything are mostly focus to toward a group of young heroes.


In the forest, during the night, the moonlight shine across the area where it is not filled with too dense trees. But in a pathway in the forest, there is one individual who is walking there. It is a teenage boy, with his head and face covered by his hoodie.

???: This is much more boring than I thought. Just simply ride the wind, and take where things go around...

He groan and keep walking, as the cloud suddenly formed into the sky and slowly slowly into rain. After a while of walking, the boy stops and look ahead.

???: Are you kidding me?

Just in front of him, there is large bear that come out from the woods and growl at the boy. He snickered and look at the bear, as his eyes glows terrifyingly at the bear. The bear sense that the boy is much more of a threat for him, making the bear slowly backing away from him and disappear back into the woods. The boy smile and walk into the woods as well, and just disappear right away into the darkness.


Few Weeks Later...


At Jump City...

Jump City is a large city in the United States, located between San Francisco and Boston. This city inhabit lots of people here, all normal and metahumans, even other kind of extra terrestrial beings. To the people here, anything weird isn't that weird at all because they are used to it in this life. Plus, incidents in this city are basically common, literally almost daily.


As the cars are moving on the road, the people walking at the pathway, it all stopped when a truck suddenly thrown at the road and explode. The people start panicking and running away, even those in their vehicles abandoned their own ride just to get to safety. Coming out from behind the smoke, it is a large golem like monster.

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