Life of Titans

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Within a week, Teen Titans gain an Honorary member who live not far from the city and have the ability to control the weather. And not long after, they reunite with a friend of theirs that have been going around space to train and work along side her senior agents. Lantern returned to the team, and Storm officially joined the team.

(Titans Tower)

It has been few days since Lantern returned and Storm's officially recruitment. Storm still trying to get used to his life there, trying to get along with them. Though surprisingly, he actually get along pretty well with Lantern even for a short time meeting.

(Lantern's Room)

This is Lantern's bedroom

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This is Lantern's bedroom. It might have been quite a while, like few months, but Starfire and Raven have kept Lantern's room remain clean and organized while making sure Beast Boy didn't snooping around there. For some reason, there are lots of plushies in her room, especially on her bed and the shelf where she placed the other plushies.

Lantern: *yawn* ...

She stretch her arms after she sit up at her bed, scratching her head and her messy hair. Lantern get up and slowly walk down the stairs to the proper floor in her room.

Lantern: I can't believe that we have a party a week ago, and feel this tired...

She went to the bathroom and wash herself.

(A/N: When I made a looking, the information said the Titans Tower only have one bathroom which doesn't make sense considering the size of this building. So each of the bedroom have one bathroom, and there are several others around the building same goes for guest rooms.)

After coming out from the bathroom, Lantern change into her casual hero attires. She walk to the mirror and look at herself again, making sure she is okay before walk out from her room.

(Storm's Room)

It take him sometime but Storm finished decorating and arranging things in his room

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It take him sometime but Storm finished decorating and arranging things in his room. His room is well organized yet it is a room for a gamer. Storm isn't lying that he is a hardcore gamer.

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