Winner Takes All

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A new member named Terra, a girl with geokinesis ability, joined the team recently. Back before, Terra ran away because she thought Beast Boy lied to him when she don't want anyone to know she couldn't control her power. But Robin figure it out on his own. When Terra return and she able to control her power within a month, the team accepted her. Even so, Storm and Lantern suspicious of her due to the fast rate of her training, even when Terra isn't the type of being a hero, just simply a person with power.

Two Weeks Later...

Two more weeks have passed since Terra joined the team. Even with her effort, she couldn't make Storm and Lantern trust her. The others says they need more time, but there's no expectation when it even happen.

(Titans Tower)

At the hallway, Storm and Lantern walking to the living room after done with their exercise.

Storm: So, should we trust Terra now?

Lantern: You wanna trust her even after you said all that?

Storm: As if. Just simply having power doesn't make the person a hero or a villain.

Lantern: You sure know a lot for someone who doesn't want to take a side at first.

Storm: I take sides with those I view interesting. And the Titans are that side.

Lantern: Fair enough.

(Living Room)

When they reach the living room, they sees their friends are playing cards with each other.

Robin: Ugh! This can't be! Beast Boy, give me your cards! I'm not done yet!

They made their way to the table, and watch them playing.

Storm: What are you guys doing?

Starfire: Oh, Storm, Lantern. We are currently playing the game of cards.

Raven: Cyborg just beat Robin.

Lantern: Huh... How about we join?

Beast Boy: Just have to wait until we're really done here. Robin still hadn't enough.

Cyborg and Robin play again, but Robin still ended up losing.

Robin: Ugh! Not again! Beast Boy, give me your cards!

Beast Boy: Again?!


Suddenly the boys all disappear at once, leaving only the girls at the living room.

Starfire: This is... *look at Raven* ...part of the game?

Raven: *confuse expression* Uhh...

Lantern: I don't know either.

The door opened and Terra walk in, holding some box of pizza.

Terra: Hey, everyone! Wanna eat some pizzas with me?!

But when she look there, the boys aren't there, only the girls.

Terra: Where are the boys?

The other girls just shrug as they just as confuse.

At an alternate dimension...

The boys get teleported into the huge chamber like hall. Including four more guys, there are total of eight heroes in the room right now. They all look around in confusion.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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