📑 2. The plan

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Another miserable day. Can thinks as he stands on his rented penthouse balcony and sees how the sun is warming up the black sea. Why? He asks himself in thought. 'Why did I have to lose you?' He thought, looking at the forbidden side of the city, the south side of the city, looking straight into his beloved's home, seeing if he sees her, but he has no luck.

Even though, for the past 16 years, he and his best friend, his brother, the man he shares his deepest secrets with, Ozan, living the life they used to live before they met the women that conquered their hearts, the bachelor's life. A life without love and just pleasure. A life without joy, but just satisfaction, a life they don't care about, and since they can't die, nor have the woman they love, they don't have a choice but to just live without reason and hide their love.

Hiding how hard both of their hearts ache at the thought of the person they lost, and trying to make their life come with some sort of sense because the truth is that they both want to let their sadness take over their body and somehow finish their miserable life. A life that makes no sense to both of them, but they both know they can't die because killing a vampire is hard, it is not impossible, but it is very hard.

There are only four ways a vampire can die; either a vampire slayer stakes them in their hearts and burns them. They know they must be careful with the slayers because if they are found, the slayers will kill them, take their DNA sample, and hunt their families with dogs, so that is an option they won't risk. Yes, they both hate their lives, but not their families.

Another way for a vampire to be killed is by jumping in front of the sun without their magical rings, which everyone gets at the age of 16. They have thought about jumping into the sun without their rings, but every time they want to do this, something stops them, making neither of them even understand why. All they know is that it is a weird feeling, and the best way they can explain it is with the word tightness in their slowly beating heart.

The third way that a vampire is able to die is at the hands of another vampire, by getting their heads ripped off, and their body will be burned. But there must be a good reason for this action, and all elders must agree. Other than that, no one can kill another vampire just for fun. This act is forbidden to do such matter. If this is done, the vampire that killed just for fun will get killed.

The fourth way that a vampire can die is of old age, which is around 600 years old. Elders can retire at the age of 400 or stay as elders until they die, and their eldest heir will take over the throne. If they reject the throne, they will be hunted down until they are killed. It is a dishonor to reject the throne.

And due to this, neither of them have been able to die, at least not until they both got a call from their prospective fathers telling them both the good news of them both getting the throne, the title of becoming an elder, and being a part of their intimate meetings.

Though, I will get my wish soon. He thinks again, placing a soft smile on his lips.

"Still thinking," Ozan asked. Can turned around and saw his best friend standing in the living room.

"Always," Can said, and Ozan blurred to the balcony and stood next to him, feeling the sun starting to warm up their skin. "16 years, Hu?" Can nodded in response, not looking at Ozan. "Long time since we've been here," Ozan says, looking at the city, Can nods. "A lot has changed."

"Too much." He says not truly caring.

"Feeling alright?"

"The same as you." Can looked at him, knowing Ozan wasn't happy to be back either. "How was it last night?"

"I do have to say, it is good to see people I haven't seen in years." Can smirked. "Though, I heard something, something interesting." Can looked at him, with his dark-sad eyes.

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