📑 11. A brother's reunion

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"Hello?" Can answers his phone.

"Hi, abi (brother)," Emre said.

"Hey!" Can was happy to hear his brother's voice. They haven't talked in years, but Can has always known what has been happening in his brother's life.

"Can- I- can we talk?" Emre spits out his thoughts.

"Always. Where?"

"At the bridge. Our side." Emre said, knowing that because of all the noise and how far away they would be from land, no one would be able to hear their conversation.

"I'll be there in 10."

"See you soon." Emre smiled and hung up.

Can and Emre blurted to their meeting place. Can got there first, and he started to walk the bridge slowly, gently, and patiently, waiting for the 2 cars to finish crossing. He jumped off, landing on one of the bars at the bottom, and sat down to wait for his brother. A few seconds later, he smiled as he smelled the man he had been waiting for years to talk to.

Emre did the same as Can and cautiously started to walk the bridge until the few cars that were crossing were gone, and he jumped off, landing near Can. "Abi! (brother)" Emre said happily, blurting to his brother's big arms. "I'm so happy to see you!" he said.

"It's so nice to see you, too." Can said, hugging his brother.

"I'm sorry," Emre said, separating the hug.

"For?" Can asked separating the hug.

"I judged you. I-" He almost couldn't look at his brother in the eye.

"Hey." Can cupped his baby brother's face. "Don't sweat it." He was honest.

"No," he said. I was wrong. I was very wrong." He emphasized very. I should have supported you—the way Ozan did. The way—" He paused, taking his eyes from Can's in shame, but then he brought his eyes back up, "I'm sorry."

Can saw that Emre really needed to hear what his real thoughts were, and so he did. He opened his heart to his brother. "I appreciate it." Can smiled gently. "But, I also understand it. We were raised like that. We were raised to hate the South. That they are monsters. That they stole from us. That all they cared was about money."

"But, you never believe that."

"Ha ha, no, I never did," Can said, smiling. "But look at how many fights I had with Annem (mom) and Baba (dad) because of it." Emre nodded at the truth.

"But, I should have listened to you."

"Abi (brother), don't. We were raised like that. All of us. The South, too. So, don't worry. Truly. It already happened." He was sincere. "Though, I do want to know something."

"Ok," Emre said.

"I want to know what made you change your mind?" Can asked. Even though he knew part of the reason why his baby brother now sees the south vampires he should, but he wasn't fully sure. He hadn't talked to him in 16 years. They have a lot to catch up on. But, from everything, this is the most important thing right now.

"Her. Emre said.

"Her? Her who?"

Oh, I was right. Can tells himself.

Emre smiled. "Can? Come on." He smiled again, knowing that his brother knew. "I know you know," Emre told Can. "She told me you guys came across earlier today, and she found out you knew."

Can laughed, not being able to hold his guilt. "I'm so happy for you, abi (brother). So happy," Can was sincere.

"Thank you!" Emre said. "But, how did you know?"

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