📑22. "I'm not going anywhere."

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He laughed, "You really think I'm going to fall for that," He nodded in disbelief, then his expression turned ice cold. "You're just saying it so I don't go and kill that mother fucker," and went to open the door.

"Weren't you here two months ago?" she said as she left his room, walking calmly towards the living room. This caused him to pause again, and he raised his head to look at the door, eyes wide open and his heart on his throat. He had been there two months ago on a business trip, but he had never come across her, and this was causing him a surprise. He turned around slowly and saw her standing in front of him, patiently waiting for his reaction. "But, you and I never spoke. I never came across with you."

"Are you sure?" She tilted her head slightly to her side questioning him.

"Why would I not know? I was here for merely 2 days. I closed the deal and left."

"And the faster you leave, the better, right?"

"Always," he said, feeling his heart break in pieces every time he sees her or hears her.

"Are you 100% sure you never came across me?"

"What are you talking about?" He was annoyed. "I know, for a fact, that you and I did not come across." He was sure of his words.

"Are you sure?" She asked again.

"Yes." He had enough. "Stop asking the same damn question, Yes, I am a trillion percent sure, I never came across you. Why would I? I have no reason to. You are happily married. So, I am staying away."

"Are you sure?"

"Stop asking me if I'm sure! Fuck!" He yelled.

"Mm." She crossed her arms and sat on the edge of the couch, still calm.

Seeing what she was doing and tired of her repeatedly asking the same question, he flapped his hands and asked passively, "Why are you doing this?" She looks at him, and he looks at her, "Why are you making things up? Thing that-" He paused and pierced his lips, controlling his words. "Are you trying to stop me? Do you love him that much?" He asked, confused. "I mean," He looked out the window, seeing the city in confusion, and then back at her, "He forces you to marry him. Forces you to have a relationship with him. Forces you to do things that I know you have never done. Did you fall in love with him?" He was so confused he couldn't understand anything.

"Do I love him?" She said. "No, I don't. I despise him."

"Then why are you stopping me."

"Because what I said it's true."

"No, it's not." He smiles in disbelief.

"I am not stopping you because I love him or even care for him."

"Then, why?"

"I told you. I am having your child, and I don't want you to die because if you kill him, the elders are going to kill you for killing someone without a good reason, and I don't want that."

"Look, Deniz, you already made it clear that you are pregnant. Okay? I got that part. But I will say, and I do not mean to offend you, because I would never do that, but I know it is not mine." He was sure of his words. "I am realizing that you don't want me to hurt Hulk, and I promise I won't touch him." He said, disappointed. This is not the Deniz he knows; the Deniz he knows would never make anything up. She was an honest vampire and hated the ones that weren't. "Let's just keep this relationship as it is; we are here to see what is going on between your husband and Sanem's and all the corruption going on. But, you and me. No." He was disappointed and went to walk away.

"Weren't you at a bar, all drunk?" She calmly said, and he opened his eyes, making him stop at his step. "I mean, you just said it; you and I never came across, but how do I know you were drunk at a bar?" He turned around and looked at her, confused. "Because, from what it seems, you were at a bar, and then you woke up in your hotel bed. I wonder how?" She said sarcastically, as he was in even more shock.

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