📑 14. Leilas' plan

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30 seconds before Can saw John at the South door.

Fuck! Leila screams in her thoughts after reading Aziz and Huma's minds.

She quickly grabbed her phone. "Your parents are onto Can, Sanem, me and John!  They have a horrible plan! I'll explain everything to you later, but now you must save all of us! Change Ozan's mother's and my dad's minds and make them talk to your parents to distract them. They can't be looking at any of us. Do it! Now!

And she sent the text.

Emre's phone vibrated; he looked at it and nodded without looking at Leila, and he started to change their mind as he was still talking to his friends.

"Hey, Huma," Huma heard Ozan's mother say her name, and she looked at her, taking her eyes from the Aydin sisters.


"So, tell me? Can you believe that our sons finally came?" Huma smiled.

"Yeah. I'm surprised, too." And Huma turned her head back to the Aydin girls.

"But, tell me-" Ozan's mother caught her attention again, and Huma didn't get a chance to look at the Aydi sisters.

"Aziz," Nihat said, making Aziz turn around since he was facing his side and needed to turn to look at the South side, giving Can now his back.

, and Aziz looked at Engin, who was sitting at his left.

"So, Can came. Huh?" Aziz.

"That's great!"

"Is your Son here?"

"Yeah. He's somewhere. Nihat said, as all the vampires were still grabbing their seats and talking to others.

Aziz went to turn back around to look back at Can, "But tell me, what made him change his mind?" And Nihat started to distract Aziz.

Though, why is Sanem so nervous? Ozan thought, trying to keep his thoughts off Denis.

"Can." He whispered low enough that only Can would hear him.

"Yeah. I know." He said, seeing the fear in Sanem's eyes.

"Sanem, calm down," Leila told Sanem. Sanem looks at Leila, "Ozan and Can are looking at you, and Can know you neveous." She told Sanem about Can and Ozan's minds.

"Oh shit!" Leila said.


"Not here, but it's a good thing," Leila said, seeing Can's plan and happy because of it. Though, I don't know if you would still want to kidnap her after tonight. Leila thought, knowing that Can was about to meet John.

"There's a seat between Sanem and Leila; it must be for the boy." Can tells


"Most likely."

"Sanem, I know. But, calm down."

"I'm trying."

"Girl, why are you so nervous?" Mevkibe asked, squinting her eyes and studying her daughter's.

"I-I haven't been here in a long time, that's all." She responded. "And where's John?" Sanem was looking all over.

"He and the others stay in the room, waiting for everyone to be ready so they can come in. You know teenagers trying to call attention," Leila said.

"Haha, yeah." Sanme smiled at what her son was doing. "But I think it's better if he stays there." She said without thinking, and both she and Leila opened their eyes wide open at what Sanem just said.

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