Chapter Nine: Where's The King?

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<TW> kidnapping, blood, mention of possession, fear, violence

<CW> angst

[MAIN PLOT BY Roxy-Rox0 ]

  Ren was crowned King once upon a time, changed his skin, made the currency emeralds. He had fun. He would walk around with BDubs, ranting on and on to him until sundown. And BDubs would listen and laugh with him, and walk with him when Ren couldn't stay still.

  Ren loved spending time with Grian, pranking the winged hermit, and laughing at jokes with him. Ren loved when they played a little hide-and-seek game after one of them played a particularly annoying prank. Those games never lasted long, because either one of them wouldn't be able to stop giggling, or they would run around in plain sight, and would be caught quickly.
  Then they laughed together.

  Ren loved those happy moments with his friends, he loved all moments with his friends. Sure, he hadn't been online for a bit, but he was back now! And ready to continue with some awesome jokes on Grian. But..

  Ren walked around outside, and saw no one. He half ran to the brunette-hermit-he-loved-laughing-with's base, hoping to find him and know what was going on, and why none of his neighbours were in sight. When he made it to Grian's base he knocked loudly, he was waiting for an answer for a while, but no answer came. He frowned to himself and opened the door, shouting, "I'm coming in Grian!"

  But Grian's base was just as—if not even more—barren as the rest the area around Ren's house. Where's Grian? Ren thought, wandering Grian's base in search for the winged hermit in question.

  Ren returned to his castle, his ears hung low and his tail feeling like a heavy weight. He was so excited earlier to say hi to Grian again, and now he was so confused. He hadn't seen anyone all day, and his dog ears only picked up sounds of animals and very, very, distant human sounds. But he couldn't tell if they were his imagination or if the Hermits had left him alone.

  Night came very quickly. And Ren didn't feel any better when the stars and the moon lit up the dark sacred sky.

  Ren wandered his castle, suddenly the elegant hall he was in went dark, the lamps and lights dimming or flashing and going out. Ren stopped walking and his ears stood upright, his ears strained to identify any sound as his eyes slowly adjusted to the dark. Ren warily looked around the dark room, Was it all a prank? Ren thought, Did Grian set this up? This horrible, dark, prank.?

  Ren didn't actually believe that his friend would do something like this, the thought just somewhat comforted the dog hybrid. Suddenly Ren's ears picked up the sound of echoing footsteps on the polished floors. He turned and saw a dark silhouette, the main thing that Ren could see about the silhouette was a practically glowing green eye, the other hidden by hood covered hair. It looked like the person was wearing no colour.

  Ren watched with wide eyes as the colourless person approached him, the sound of their booted footsteps deafening to Ren's ears. Before they got too close Ren turned and sprinted down the now dark halls of his castle, running until he reached outside. But the colourless person still chased after him.

  Ren's thoughts raced, what was going on? The footsteps sounded familiar, but he was sure none of his friends had eyes like that. Not like that thing's. Ren ran and ran, the colourless person never too far behind him. Who is that? Ren thought, And why are their eyes like that monster's?

  Ren stumbled and the person caught up, quickly grabbing the dog hybrid's arms to restrain him. Ren cried out and tears formed and flowed from his eyes, he tried shouting and screaming, but no one could hear him. He had brought himself to the edge of a forest, a forest no one had cleared or built in yet.

  Ren's ears fell and he squeezed his eyes shut as he yelled at his attacker, "Let me go!" He cried. The one who held him felt a burst of annoyance and he hit the dog hybrid, hard. Ren's eyes widened as his brain registered the pain before he collapsed and his eyes fell closed. The person in grey looked at the collapsed hermit they held up in shock—that annoyance and sudden burst of strength didn't fully feel like their own.

  Nevertheless, they brought Ren along a path into the forest, where the Entity was waiting for them. The one in grey handed over Ren, guilt trying to push its way to the surface. They looked up at the Being, crossing their arms as the Being glared at the dog hybrid they held.
  "Why aren't you taking control of Ren? Why do we have to 'seal' him away?" The person in grey asked the Entity.

  The Being sighed and looked away from the Hermit they carried, instead glaring at the hermit that stood before them, "That is none of your business."

  The person nervously looked away and started walking to where the two were going to keep Ren. They didn't dare question the Being's intentions and thoughts about the dog hybrid again while they walked.

✦ ✦ ᓭ╎ᒲ!¡ꖎ|| ✦ ✦

  Ren woke up before the sun came up, but after the colourless person and the familiar face of his past went away. When he woke up he was in pain, his ears were ringing and his tail was limp. What did they do to me? Ren thought as he coughed up some blood. His throat was scratchy and his neck was in pain. He couldn't speak. Why couldn't he speak?

  They silenced me.

  Ren sat up, rubbing his neck, and he found himself in what looked like a crumbling castle. But still, he found no exit. He wandered a little in search for an escape route but found none. Just dangerous gaps in the floors and crumbling walls.

  He sat on the floor of the most secure room he could find, which was probably rebuilt for him to stay in safely, and he found himself crying again. He would figure out food and water later, right now all he wanted to do was sit alone and cry.

  When dawn came Ren found that his throat hurt less, and he coughed a few times—blood coming out—and stood. He ran to a hole in a wall and that he couldn't exit out of, the entire ruin was probably enchanted or something, and he stared at the trees he could barely see before.

  The sunrise must weaken what they did to me, Ren thought and took a grateful breath of the forest-y air before calling out to the forest, hoping that someone could hear his hoarse cries for help.

  Before he was silenced again.

  "Hello? Anyone? Please, I'm trapped!"

Thanks for reading this Ren chapter! Hope ya enjoyed!

And I hope that you're never silenced by anyone in any way.

1186 words

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