Chapter 5

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It was hard seeing my family at christmas considering there little girl just had sex for the first time with a boy they just met. i knew it wasn't my finest hour but i knew i loved him and everything was gonna be alright. christmas went fine, but the days were soon passing by.

Friday had come and the week had lead to his leaving time. i was about to loose it, i loved him so much and to know he was to leave back to home for me not to smell feel or see anymore hurt me a lot. i waited as he packed every little item in his bag and watched his beautiful face, drip a tear. i was hurt, one thing i hate is seeing him cry it feels as so i punched a baby. it was early in the morning and i knew he couldn't be late for his plane although, i kinda wish he missed it. i sat in the car next to him just staring i was calm the whole time mostly but i think it was because I'm still seeing him he isn't gone yet, i haven't lost him yet.. the airport soon came into view as i watched other planes fly out. i stared at him the whole time and i could see in his face he's as hurt as i am. i just hate seeing that. we parked and got his bags from the back of the trunk. i remained calm because he was still in my site. he grabbed the handle of his suitcase as for with his other hand he entwined it with mine. i walked with pride that he was mine an i was with him proudly to be his girlfriend..but i occasionally slipped up because i still had a vibe of sorrow that was evident in my face and body stature. i noticed with my thoughts running wild that we had reached the waiting area for where he's supposed to leave. i was still calm laughing and loving him and life, but that all soon changed when the called for all borders to be checked in. then i walked happily over to the place but soon realized...i wasn't to go any further this was it. i was to say my goodbye now for at least 2 years. i wast ready to watch him walk away. he pulled me quick by the waist an i fell apart my tears were uncontrolled an i knew i was to stop for awhile. he said i mustn't cry that he may too. i knew he knew that i couldn't handle the thought of him crying the way i was soon it toned down bit. but i was still so hurt that the miles were again going to separate me from him. he kissed my head and said it was all going to be alright ,that he loved me and none in this world on their best day could ever live up to my beauty and that i was always going to be his beautiful incredible amazing future wife. that wasn't helping me at all. tears came down more and i knew that this was the last touch i was to receive from him. he walked away kissing my hand with small tears streaming down his face. i stared at him all the way until his figure had turned the corner leaving me and my heart broken. i cried so much as i ran the outside for the car to watch him fly away. i sat in my car and just waited.. i saw the plane get ready for take off and at that he was in the air along with a piece of my heart . i left that day with a depressed feeling that would carrying on what seemed like forever...


I in my bed waiting to facetime him like i did almost everyday. i gave him time to settle in to his room and unpack. i watched as i heard the dial tone showing it was ringing. i saw it say connecting an i just broke a hug smile as i saw his beautiful face on my iPod screen. he said hello princess and i blushed more then a freshly grown rose. he said he has been missing me so much already and they i could agree with. i knew that it was going to be hard for the both of us for awhile but i knew that it would eventually get better with time. we were willing to wait for each other and that he and i will do. none can compare to the love me and him share. i loved that i could be complete opposite from a princess but still remain beautiful to him on my worse days. we talked that night all the way till he and i both fell asleep on FaceTime. all i remembered was me saying i love you forever and he said i love you too beautiful..sleep with the angels for i am always with you. i smiled to that and let the sleep take my mind away.


I still wasn't better from his leaving but i woke with a smile to see a sleeping beauty next to me. he was so incredible when he was sleeping. lighting hitting him perfectly. he stirred bit in his sleep leaving me to grow bigger in my smile. he said good morning beautiful i see you've been starring at me.. i quickly looked away at that comment blushing to know i wasn't so sneaky with my checking him out. i laughed and looked back at him to see him sat up smiling the beautiful morning smile at me. that smile i was to no longer experience in person for awhile. i absolute loved hearing his raspy deep morning voice boom through my little iPod speakers. he literally was a heart stopper. we talked all that morning but soon had to go for his morning needed help grocery shopping. i said bye babe i love and miss you come back soon too me. he said he loved me too and i had nothing to worry for he'd be back soon to meet up with his fairest princess. i smile and kissed my screen for he and i clicked end same time.


All day i had been thinking about his mom and how it was going. he and his mom are t the best on being together but he tolerates it too get by. his mother has a new man now which doesn't set to well with him. he just pisses me off on shit he's allowed against ben. i honestly can't stand the thought of him there and not here. i got a FaceTime calling leaving me questionable..i clicked answer to see my prince charming and his gleaming green eyes. he looked bit off. i was curious so i simply asked is everything okay? he told me yes but for he would have to go soon for talking with me wouldn't set to well with his younger brother since he had babysitting duty. i understood but wonder why he called if he couldn't stay on.. he said because he couldn't get enough of my beautiful face. i smiled at that and said i loved him and he better get going he agreed while saying he loved me back. the call ended and i left just me and myself for while. for his brother took his attention 24/7. late that night i received a text from him saying he was in deep shit from his brother and that his mom would be coming home pissed t him possibly and that it may not end well. he was scared she'd kick him out. him being 17 that was highly not uncommon. i told him it would be okay. but he reminded me that it wasn't that he'd be put in a home and us wouldn't work as well and just a lot of stuff. i panicked like crazy trying everything. eventually time came and she came home to be furious. they fought and he said he was leaving back to come stay with me. i suggested that. i had been texting my mom and she arranged for him to have a pennant stay at our house. she bought his ticket and he was to leave that morning around 12:00. he was sent a cab that morning as he said goodbye to everyone. he was now on his way back an i literally couldn't believe all this happened...not only that he had the fight, but that..


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this is my first book that would mean so much to have feedback on what i should do

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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