Jealously isn't always fun [PT 1]

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Special Thanks to @liquidlyn for reading this stupid book and letting me tell you about chapter ideas and feeding into my obsession your amazing ilysm 💗💗💗

["Now what's on your nasty old mind"]





It was already bright outside when Mai woke up, she shifted her position noticing she was still snuggled close to the red eared slider, humming to herself she turned around for her back to back to be facing him.

Looking at the ground seeing the Nintendo still thrown on her floor,

' I wondering if the game saved' she thought to herself, thinking about all the work she'd have to get back if the game didn't end up saving breaking her train of thought. Two hands slithered around her waist and a head in the crook of her neck

"Morning Mi Amor," Leo said softly his voice a little muffled, as he moved her closer to him the warmth feeling nice against her skin.

"Morning" She replied, glad he couldn't see the blush that dusted her cheeks, God nicknames like this always made her fold.

There was a comfortable silence that fell between the two of them just the sound of their breathing and the liveliness of New York City that she was so very used to. Sadly she was interrupted by her phone ringing she sighed trying to reach over to her nightstand to grab her phone dragging Leo with her in the process. Once she got her phone she laid back down putting the phone to her ear


"Greeting Mai, just wanted to confirm that you're still coming over tonight for the Jupiter Jim marathon we planned?" Donnie said

"Yes of course I wouldn't miss it" Mai said a little smile forming on her lips.

"Ok, ya great" He hummed cleaning his throat "-Well uh see you tonight"

"See you" She replied before hanging up.

"What was that about" Leo asked through a yawn

"Doing a Jupiter Jim movie marathon with Donnie" She said getting out of bed earning a protest from Leo.

"Oh that's cool" He replied a hint of jealousy in her voice that she couldn't catch

"Ok" She smiled clapping her hands together "Lets makes some breakfast"

With that Leo got out of bed, following her into the kitchen, as she started to get the stuff ready to make pancakes. Quickly she lit the candle that sat by the sink making the room smell like Pumpkin Spice, as she went back to cooking. Leo sat down on the countertop next to her, she looked so happy just making pancakes he was never a big fan of cooking but if she asked him to he would cook every day.

"Do ya want pumpkin spice or cinnamon?" Mai asked giving him a smile holding the two spices in her hands.

"What are you having?" He asked

"Pumpkin spice," She said tilting her head to the side.

"I'll do that too" Leo nodded flashing her a smile back

"Oki dokie" She hummed putting some of the spice into the batter and mixing it in. After that she started to pour the batter into the pan making the pancakes.




"These are actually heavenly, Te quiero muchísimo" He said through a mouthful of pancakes

"Aw thanks, Leo" Mai grinned taking another bite of her food, not understanding the last part of his sentence but shrugging it off, she didn't really understand Spanish but always thought the things he said to her were nice.

After the duo finished eating Leo took it upon himself to clean the dishes since he didn't help with the food. "Ok, I'm gonna start packing my bag and get changed you can just chill here or in my room," The short girl said before heading into her room.

As Leo finished the last of the dishes. After a few minutes he went back into her room finding her in a pair of gray sweatpants and a striped off-white and blue sweater and her hair up in a claw clip.

"Whatya bringing" He asked going back to lie in her bed looking at the different stuffed animals in her bed most of them being from him and his brothers throughout the years.

"You know just pjs my skincare, my charger and Theo" Mai said before stuffing the brown bear in her already packed bag.

"Mhm it looks like your bringing your whole room with you" Leo teased

"What no it does not!" She scoffed rolling her eyes as she tried to close her backpack, after some struggling she finally closed it letting out a sigh.

"Sure does" He remarked, pulling out his phone and looking through his recent notifications.

"Ok I'm ready, lets head to the Lair" Mai smiled, while Leo got out of the bed getting his swords, making a blue portal appear

"Let's go" He said going after Mai.










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