Jealously isn't always fun [PT. 2]

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[Murder on the Dancefloor - Sophie Ellis-Bextor]




Entering the living room of the lair Mai smiled setting her bag down, hearing someone yelling her name turning around she was met with Mikey running towards her at full speed

"MAI !!" Mikey yelled tackling her into a hug a laugh escaping her lips as she wrapped her arms around her friend's waist, as they both lay on the floor.

"Hi Mikey" She replied as he clung onto her while Leo stared daggers into his little brother

"Why don't you give her some space Mikey," He said while trying to pry him off her

"Aw don't worry about it Leo I missed him" Mai grinned as Mikey clung closer to her putting his head on her chest. "Now where is Donnie," She asked as Mikey looked back up at her

"His lab" He hummed letting go of her and letting her get up thanking him she got her bag and started to make her way to his lab, leaving the two boys in the living room to do their own thing.

"Hi Dee" Mai called out going inside excited to see her favorite soft shell, setting down her bag on a table she went further into the lab to find Donnie working on a project

Sneaking up behind him she put her arms around his shoulders nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck making him tense up at the touch

"Oh, h-hey Mai," He said clearing his throat as he continued to work on his project

"Whatya working on," She asked tilting her head to the side looking at the thing he was making, it was a light pink color with a lot of different buttons and fidget stuff, all she wanted to do was touch it.

"It's a surprise," Donnie said shrugging off her question as she continued to watch him work, this was always one of her favorite things to do just watching him work it was strangely comfortable "Here" He uttered softly passing on the pink square to her standing up straighter and taking her arms off from around his shoulders she looked at the thing in her hand

"What is it?" She questioned pressing on the different things, as it made little clicking noises while she pressed the different buttons making her feel happy whenever she did it

"A fidget, I always see you fidgeting with you bracelet so I thought I'd make you one" He explained her eyes lighting up as she continued to play with the toy forgetting about everything except the fidget

"Do you like it?" Donnie asked as she continued to play with the toy.

"Do I like it?" Mai repeated with a smile on her face "I love it so much you're so awesome Donnie" She said hugging him.

"I'm glad you like it," He said wrapping his arms around the short girl.

"Am I interrupting something?" Leo asked his arms crossed over his chest leaning against the threshold of the lab.

"Oh hey Leo" She replied letting go of the hug "Look what Donnie made me" She continued turning her back to Donnie, holding out the fidget in her hand letting Leo take a look at it as the other boy glared at him.

"Wow that's pretty cool" He agreed nodding his head, as Mai's grin widened

"I know right! He did such a good job on it I swear I'm gonna be using it all the time" She nodded happily, a small smile growing on Donnie's lips as she praised his work.

"So what did you need Leo," She asked as Leo put his arm over her shoulder.

"Well, do I need a reason to see my favorite girl?" He grinned glancing at Donnie as Mai smiled back at him, the jealously practically radiating off of Donnie. Leo very much noticing this change in him but Mai to busy playing with the fidget to notice.








"So what snacks should we have for the movie marathon" Mai asked looking through aisles of candy at the gas station while Donnie stood next to her in his purple hoodie 'disguise'.

"Well what do you want, I'm fine with anything" He shrugged, not really caring what they ate as long as she was happy.

"Hmmm." She hummed putting her finger on her lip to think "Well I have been wanted so nerds" She said to herself before grabbing the blue bag of nerd gummy clusters. "And some rainbow ropes", Mai grinned grabbing them too.

"Anything else?" Donnie asked putting his hands in his pockets

"Drinks" She nodded, walking towards the slushies, and grabbing a large cup to fill up, him doing the same.

"Dude I swear blue raspberry is actually a drug it's so good," Mai told him looking at him with a smile on her face as the cup started to overflow with the cold blue liquid

"Oh shi-" She said quickly taking the cup away as the drink made its way to her hand making it all sticky.

He sighed grabbing some napkins and wiping it off of her hand "You gotta pay attention more and not be a dumb dumb"

Gasping she took her hand away from him "What! I am not a dumb dumb" She sighed rolling her eyes and putting the lid on her drink, making it overflow a little again.

"Dumb dumb" He repeated, getting a grape slushie.

"Poopie Pants," Mai said sticking her tongue out at him.

"Gasp!" Donnie said putting a hand on his chest in mock offense"-and I was going to buy your snacks for you" He sighed

"No please I'm sorry, I don't mean it, not a poopie pants," She said in a pleading tone giving him puppy eyes. This little trick of hers mostly always got Donnie to do what she wanted and of course, it worked like a charm

"Fine I'll still buy your snacks"

"YES! You're the best Donnie" Mai grinned in trumpet, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers together and making their way to the register with the snacks and drinks in both of their hands.

"What am I gonna do with you" He said a little laugh escaping his lips







[1057 Words]


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