Nightmares ?

8 2 17

[Opposite - Sabrina Carpenter]



(A/N maybe some drama who knows)





" you got me thinking two plus two equals five and i'm the love of your life :/"
















She didn't remember how she got there the forest was dark, mist surrounding her body as her eyes adjusted to the darkness

From the corner of her eye she saw a slender-looking creature, its eyes big dark pools of red.

It's smile showing off the creature's sharp yellow teeth. It made her heart beat a thousands miles an hour, and started to run. All she could think about was to go faster

'Damit I should of took track' She thought to herself, looking back and not seeing the creepy-looking creature.

"Ha I'm too fast for it," She said out loud turning back all her original fear coming back within a second as the creature stood over her, It's smile never leaving its face.







"What the cat whiskers," Mai said to herself as she sat up in her bed the fear never leaving her chest as a cold sweat clung to her skin. Turning over to her ninjago clock that said 7:00 AM on it. "Ok I should take a shower"

Sighing she got out of her bed, grabbing clothes for school, her phone, and a towel before making her way to the bathroom.







"Mikey what do you think of this" Mai said giving her friend a little spin to show him the outfit. The outfit consisted of a simple grey zip-up hoodie that said 'Cousins Beach' in the middle, a black baby tee, and some black yoga pants.

"You look amazing!" He grinned, his whole face covering the phone screen "Well of course my BSFF looks amazing"

"What's a BSFF" She questioned taking the phone with her, propping it up as she packed her lunch.

"Best Sister friend forever" Mikey smiled rocking back and forward.

"Aww that's sweet how'd you get that name?" Mai asked zipping up the lunchbox taking the phone with her and putting it in her backpack.

"Wellll you are like my sister and you're most likely gonna marry Donnie or Leo so I thought I would start calling you my BSFF!" He grinned


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