Anyone else but you...

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[lacy - Olivia Rodrigo]

Fun Fact: Someone in blue may have overheard who her favorite is, and now he's making it his mission to make him her favorite





(A/N I love taylors new album what the hay)
















School, Jesus she hated it so much. Mai was currently in her last period Math to be exact the class she hated with a burning passion. She was laying her head on the desk doodling over her math paper whatever the teacher was saying made no sense to her, and even worse April wasn't in her class so she had to do it alone she'll probably just call Donnie once she got home to help her. But she was stopping at the bookstore before she headed home maybe she'll ask him tomorrow.

"Just remember everyone the papers are due Friday!" Her teacher said her classmates talking together packing up their bags around her as she put stuff in her backpack and left. She didn't bother saying bye to April just shooting her a text since she had to stay late. Leaving the school she put her headphones in, opened Spotify, and played Mary by Alex G (A/N I love this song so much ahhh)

It was more of a colder day fall finally coming in full motion, the leaves turning orange and red making everything around her feel magical. Her outfit consisted of a dark red sweater, dark denim flared jeans, and Doc Martians. Humming to herself quietly she continued on her walk to the bookstore, feeling two hands go on her shoulder

"Listen here you little-" she quickly turned around ready to punch whoever touched her "Leo?" She said in confusion furrowing her brows at the slider turtle, who had a smile on his face.

"Hey Mai" He grinned not seeming to be fazed that she almost punched him

"Whatya doing here?" Mai asked a bit confused taking out her headphones to hear him better.

"Well I thought I'd hang out with you" He replied nodding his head as he joined her in her walk "Where you going?"

"Bookstore" She happily told him fixing her bag a bit, after a few minutes of walking and small talk they made it to the small bookstore. The building had more of a rustic look vines growing over the brick

Happily walking up the steps, Leo and Mai made it to the door he opened it for her flashing her a smile.

"Ladies first" he teased winking at her, while she rolled her eyes at his lame gesture.

"Why thank you, you fine gentlemen," She said her tone dripping with sarcasm. As he did a little bow the two of them walked into the bookstore. It was just the two of them in the store and the shop owner who was too busy scrolling on her phone to notice the two people in her shop.

"I love bookstores so much" Mai grinned taking in the smell of books and a fall candle. The shop was decorated in fall décor since it was the beginning of September, and to be honest she loved the decorations they made her feel happy and strangely at home.

[Late night Pizza] ROTTMNT X OC [Crack fic]Where stories live. Discover now