Movie night? More like Mai night

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[Plage Coquillage (First kiss song) - Tao Mon Amour]

Fun Fact: Mai's the embodiment of Lovefool by The Cardigans







It was halfway through the 2nd Jupiter Jim movie, most of the candy was gone and Mai's drink was already empty tinting her tongue and lips blue. A color he wasn't too fond of that was on her, (purple would have been better).

"You know what we should do right now," Mai said taking her attention off of the screen

"What?" He asked raising an eyebrow at her

Mai's smile only grew at this, her teeth also being stained blue from the slushie having a sinister plan up her sleeve "Face masks"

"No," Donnie said simply turning his head back to the tv.

"Fine I'll find someone to do it with me" She scoffed going on her phone and calling the first number.

" Hey Leo," She said once he answered the call making Donnie's head turn back at her.

"Oh ya do you think you can come over to Donnie's room and bring Mikey he doesn't want to do a facemask with me so I thought I'd ask someone who wanted to," She said glancing at the soft shell next to her.

"Ok see ya in a bit" Mai hummed hanging up the call, Donnie very much huffing and ignoring her.




Not even two minutes later, Leo and Mikey came happily into Donnie's room. Mikey making his way to hug the brown-haired girl while Leo held a pack of Sweet Tart ropes for her.

"Are those Sweet ropes?" Mai asked her eyes lighting up as she looked at the bag he was holding.

"Yup!" He grinned giving her the bag her excitedly opening it as Mikey stayed cuddled close to her.

It was honestly easy making Mai happy all you had to do was give her some candy and she'll love you forever. And of course, Leo was her main candy supplier always randomly bringing her candy or sweets she liked.

Standing up from the bed, she made her way to her backpack opened it, and rummaged through it to find the facemask.

"Found it," She said in a sing-song voice, holding up the bottle that the face mask liquid was in.

"Why is it in a bottle..." Donnie asked raising his (fake) eyebrows

"It's a peel-off one duh," She said rolling her eyes and getting out the Hello Kitty headband she used to push back her hair whenever she watched her face. Going back to the three turtles, and sitting down with them "So who wanted to go first?" Mai asked with a grin


"I'll go," Donnie said cutting off Leo and sitting in front of her, taking off his headband in the process.

"Ok" She hummed pushing down the bottle and getting out some of the black liquid "it might be cold" She reassured putting some of it on his face and smoothing it out.






"Fudge" Mai said looking at the black splotch that went on her pink satin pajama shirt.

"Ugh now the shirts dirty," she pouted trying to get the black goop off of her pajama shirt but inevitably making it worse. "This is so stupid and annoying".

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