Fights !

5 2 24

[Back on 74 - Jungle] (a/n) I've had this song stuck in my head all day










"la la la la la la la la "











"What?" Donnie said out loud looking down at the sleeping girl, confused on how she said a completely different name. Maybe she was too tired maybe she thought it was Leo, not him. What was he supposed to think now?

He was her favorite right?

He stood up Mai shifting in her sleep but not waking up, putting the blanket over her and tucking a stray hair behind her ear. Grabbing his stuff he left leaving the sleeping girl alone, she would be fine by herself, right?




Once he closed the door to his lab he sighed, sitting down in his chair and thinking about what happened. One thing Donnie could have done was to ask April if this was a "normal" thing but... He was never the type to ask for help. So he did the next best thing possible and buried his feelings something he was very used to at this point. Putting his hands on the desk he grabbed the little gadget and tried his best to think about that instead of overthinking her words.

"Looks like Donnie's backkkk" Leo called out walking into the lab with a grin on his face "How's Mai doing" He asked sitting in a chair next to him and spinning 

"It was fine" Donnie said in an annoyed tone, which seemed not to bother him. 

"Aww you tired too?" Leo said in a teasing tone. 

"Get out."

"What? Why I just wanted to hang out with my bro!" He complained as Donnie tried to push him out of the room. Positioning himself up so his brother couldn't move him. 

"Just leave my room" Donnie uttered his voice sounding low and mad.

"ummmm no" He said simply shrugging his shoulders "-What's up with you why are you so mad?" 

"You're what's up! You always have to ruin everything I just wanted this one thing with Mai and you somehow got to ruin that too!" Donnie explained his voice raising. "Of course, she has to say your name it's always you!" 

" She said my name?" He said a smile growing on his lips as Donnie looked at him with murderous eyes 

"You're enjoying it aren't you." 

"What no I'm not," Leo said shaking his head trying to play it off as he was not practically jumping for joy.

"Why would she even like you I'm always the one helping her and hanging out with her, she would pick me over you any day" Donnie scoffed. "Plus your not even that good looking"

This comment annoyed Leo '"You really think she would want to hang out with the likes of you, I talk to her way more than you ever do."

"Oh sure, after Scarlet left who's been the one mostly always over"

"Uh me," Leo said in a sarcastic tone, making Donnie glare at him.

"Your suck a jerk! You knew I liked her first why do you have to ruin everything"

"No, I didn't know you liked her what are you talking about" He said confused as Donnie got close to him.

"Shut up! You knew I liked her first back off!" Donnie scoffed shoving Leo. "I was the one there and she said your name!"

"What-" Raph said confused rushing into the room "Guys stop it!" He said grabbing Donnie before he shoved Leo again.

"LET ME GO" Donnie yelled trying to get out of Raph's grip (a/n I hate writing characters yelling in caps its so weird).

"Leo leave," Raph said holding onto Donnie tighter as he tried to get out of his grasp, Looking back quickly Leo made his way out of the room leaving Donnie and Raph alone.

"Let me go after him," He said, once his brother loosened his grip.

"No, you're gonna tell Raph what happened" Raph nodded as Donnie glared at him.

"No" Donnie said simply, not even wanting to tell him this was between him and Leo, and him and Leo only.

"If you don't tell anyone no one can help you, but if you want to be alone i'll leave you" Raph sighed let go of him completely leaving the room, leaving Donnie alone with his thoughts again.












Waking up Mai yawned still sleeping in the same position she was in last night, happy she didn't have that scary bad dream but instead of her warm favorite being next to her all she felt was a cold spot, sitting up she furrowed her brows to find Donnie gone. 'Maybe he's in the kitchen' she thought to herself, putting on her slippers she made her way to the kitchen with her blanket around her shoulders to find no one.

"He left" She said sadly going back to her room and checking her phone maybe he texted her why he left. Picking it up she looked at her notifications nothing other then a BeReal notification and Pinterest that her sister sent her something.

"And he didn't say why" Mai said her lips forming a bigger frown. A great way to start the morning right?








(a/n YAY FINALLY FINISHED IT! Hope you enjoyed the chapter !! So excited to write the next one have a great day <3)

[944 Words]

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