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(3rd pov)
Word count: 2381

It's been a week since Robin has finally been allowed to see all the ghost boys, the 5 of them hang out together on a daily basis.

Bruce is out exploring, since all the doctors are occupied with Robin's recovery, they've granted Bruce (mostly) full access of the place, minus the third floor of the building and any staff rooms.

It feels like it's been years since Bruce has even touched a baseball bat and recently he doesn't really know what to do with himself.

He's practically itching to play baseball again.

"Bruce!" Someone shouts in the distance.

Bruce turns around to see a familiar face. "Amy!" Bruce yells back, his feet move before his brain can even process seeing his little sister and his parents standing by the double doors used to leave the building to walk along the fields.

He sprints over as fast as he can, Amy doing the same.
Bruce's heart breaks a little upon seeing his family crying.

Amy pulls her big brother into the tightest hug she can manage, fearing that if she lets him go, she won't see him won't

Bruce sobs, resting his face against the top of her head.

His mother, Camila wraps her arms around her two children. "'s really you..." She lets go of him before lifting his face, cupping his cheeks in her hands.

She places a kiss on his forehead, leaving a faint stain of red lipstick.

Bruce looks up at his mother, her face wet and her mascara running down her cheeks. "Hey, ma." He says between sobs.

Amy finally lets go of him and Bruce's eyes wander over to where is father is standing.

Never in a million years did Bruce think he'd ever see his dad crying, it was a scene that he couldn't bear to see.

"Son..." He breathes out in utter disbelief as Bruce pulls him into a gentle hug.


Bruce's father, Edward (or Eddy) places one hand on his son's back, while the other is holding the back of his head.

"Bruce, I'm so sorry..." Eddy says, pulling away to look at his son, it felt unreal. The scientists were right.

They brought his precious son back to life, just as they had promised.

But of course, the family had to deal with Bruce living all the way out in Indiana for the foreseeable future, it was part of the deal.

It has to be done.

After Bruce's family leaves, he finds Billy, who had a wide smile on his face.

"Bruce! You'll never guess what happened!" He exclaims, starting to lightly shake his friend by his shoulders.

Bruce laughs. "What happened?"

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