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(3rd pov)
Word count: 1301

In every sleepover Bruce has attended, without fail he is always one of the first to fall asleep but the first to wake up.

So, like usual, Bruce wakes up first.

He wakes up lying on his side, feeling the most relaxed he has ever been since he was resurrected.

Bruce has finally had a good nights sleep.

His eyes squint at the sudden sunlight spilling through the gaps of the curtain. Bruce slowly tries to sit up only to have his waist tugged at gently.

He looks behind him to see Vance, fast asleep with his arm wrapped around him. Vance is spooning Bruce, practically glued to him.

It takes him a moment to process what the heck is happening before his face turns bright red.

How long had they been like this?

He lies back down, his heart rate increasing as every second passes.

How the fuck did they end up like this?

He probably should get up or move Vance's arm, but part of him doesn't want to.

"" Vance says groggily, lifting his arm off of Bruce and sitting up, running his fingers through his blonde hair.

"No, no. It's fine, really." He replies, propping himself up with his elbow. "I didn't mind it.."

"...Any more nightmares?" Vance asks.

Bruce shakes his head. "No, I didn't. You?"

"No." He answers, looking over at the others (plus Harper) who are snuggled up together. "They seem to be alright too."

Bruce smiles. "Yeah."

Bruce's stomach growls so he pushes the blanket off of himself, also taking it off of Vance in the process. "I'll go make some breakfast." Bruce says as he gets up and steps off the bed. "What do you want to eat?"

Vance shrugs, wrapping one of the blankets around his shoulders. "Dunno. I'll just make myself something later when these fuckers wake up."

"Are you sure?"

"Are you deaf?"

Bruce smirks. "Alright, alright."

He walks into the kitchen and looks around in the fridge, the freezer and all the cupboards, trying to figure out what he wants to eat.

He grabs some bacon, eggs, bread and some cooking oil, setting them on the counter.

After looking around some more, Bruce finds a frying pan. He sets it on the stove and peeks his head back into the living room, noticing that Robin and Griffin have both woken up.

"Oh, Bruce. Good morning." Robin smiles.

"Thought you ran off on us for a second. What are you doing?" Griffin adds

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