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(3rd pov)
Word count: 1987

After everyone agreed that they were feeling hungry, everyone goes back inside, changing back into their normal clothes.

Now, Bruce is in the kitchen poking his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he opens the fridge, slightly surprised that it contains any food at all.

Bruce had volunteered to make dinner tonight while everyone else sits down in the living room, arguing over what movie to watch.

Bruce pulls out a red pepper but his attention gets directed to the front door opening.

"It's just me." Jim Hopper calls out, closing the door behind him. "I brought pizza!"

Bruce shrugs, putting the pepper back, closing the fridge door and joining everyone else in the living room, taking the free spot next to Vance.

Hopp walks into the kitchen and grabs a stack of plates, handing out one each.

"Are you not eating with us?" Griffin asks.

Hopp shakes his head. "No, I ate dinner with El. You kids enjoy your pizza."

"How was work?" Bruce asks, taking a slice of pizza and putting it on his plate.

Hopp turns to him. "It's been alright, nothing new, really. Uh..what have you kids been up to?"

"We built snowmen." Finn says. "I can show you. If you want."

"Yeah, sure." Hopp nods, walking alongside Finney to the backyard.

Billy, Griffin, Robin and Gwen decide to set their plates of food on the coffee table and get up and go with them.

"He's gonna love Gertrude." Billy nudges Griffin, who laughs in response.

"Seriously? They named that thing?" Vance mutters.

"At least they're having fun." Bruce smiles.

Vance glances at Bruce, before looking down at his hands. "Guess so..."

Bruce gets up. "Come on, let's join the others." He pulls up Vance by his hands.
"Geez. Your hands are freezing!" Bruce exclaims.

"They're only a little cold. It's fine."

Bruce's head tilts slightly to the side as he gently bites the inside of his cheek, looking Vance in the eyes. "Vance."

Bruce clasps Vance's hands, gently pressing them together.

Heat creeps onto Vance's face. "Uh...your hands are warm.."

Bruce nods, his signature smile on his lips. "Yeah, I'm trying to warm yours up."

"Ah, okay."

"BRUCE! VANCE! COME HERE A SEC!" Billy shouts from the back door.

Bruce releases Vance's hands, the two of them making their way out to the back door.

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