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(3rd pov)
Word count: 2147

Billy sighs dramatically. "I'm so bored. Are we there yet?"

This is the sixth time Billy has repeated this sentence and Bruce is about ready to throw him out the window.

Today is Saturday the 8th of December, 1984 and they're finally driving through the state of Indiana, to their new home.

The seven of them (plus a driver and Sokolov, who are sat in the front row) are inside a white van.

Bruce felt a little hesitant to get inside at first, mainly based on his previous experiences, he felt like the others probably were feeling the same way as everyone was silent for the first half an hour of the drive from the airport.

But after Billy let out his first "are we there yet?" Everyone started to talk normally.

The driver and Dr Sokolov are sat in the front, behind them is Griffin and Vance, behind them is Billy and Bruce and finally in the back Finn, Robin and Gwen sit together, the three of them are in their own little bubble, only occasionally talking to the people in front of them.

Bruce was staring out of the window, he felt himself almost falling asleep until the van went past a sign that read "welcome to Hawkins."

"Billy, we're in Hawkins now, there's not long left." Bruce calls out to the boy next to him.

'Thank God. He might actually shut up.'

"Finally..." He mumbles.

"I didn't realise it would be so snowy..." Vance said to nobody in particular.

Griffin gasps. "We should have a snowball fight!"

"Definitely!" Robin agrees.

Bruce turns to Billy. "Bet I could build a better snowman than you."

"You wanna bet?"

"You're on, paperboy." Bruce smirks as Billy playfully rolls his eyes with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Everyone goes back to what they were doing and Bruce finds himself gazing at Vance for a moment.
He has his head resting in the palm of his hand while he stares out of the window.

Bruce looks out of Vance's window, they're now in a wooded area, on an empty road that leads to a gate, a roof can be seen peeking above it.

Once everyone gets a better look at the house, Griffin's face lights up. "Is that our house?! Holy crap it's huge!"

Bruce stares at the house in awe as the van pulls up in front of a cozy looking building with two men stood in front of it.

Bruce stares at the house in awe as the van pulls up in front of a cozy looking building with two men stood in front of it

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