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IMPORTANT NOTE: I've made a last minute decision to make Vance and Griffin half-brothers (same mother, different father). So Griffin is also Hopp's nephew 💕

(3rd pov)
Word count: 3509

School is finally over and Bruce can finally enjoy the comfort of his heavenly bed.

The bell rings and Bruce wastes no time in getting up. However, before he can leave, Robin Buckley walks over to him.

After she glances over at the door and noticing Michelle leaving the room, she whispers to Bruce.
"Hey, uh, I couldn't help but notice Michelle staring at you. You looked really bothered by it so I just wanted to say that we can swap seats if you'd like." She offers, pointing her thumb to her seat by the window.

Bruce smiles at her thoughtfulness. "Yeah, she was kinda staring at me...but she seems harmless so-"

"Kinda? She wouldn't take her eyes off of you, it was really creepy." Robin cuts him off, crossing her arms. "She's always been like that. Although she's harmless, she can get really obsessive. I'd try to keep my distance from her if I were you."

Bruce's chest tightens before slinging his backpack onto his shoulders. "Noted...I think I'll take you up on that offer."

Robin nods as the two walk out of the classroom together. "Alright then. Mr Hill probably won't notice so I think we'll be fine."

"Yeah...thank you for doing this by the way." Bruce says.

Robin shrugs, smiling. "Don't worry about it. Just think of it as me returning the favour for the pen."

Bruce chuckles. "Guess we're even then."

The two smile at each other before parting ways. Bruce runs his fingers through his black hair  as he walks through the crowded hallway, taking care to not bump into anyone. Luckily, he exits the building with no issue.

Stepping outside, he spots Billy and Vance already waiting for him at the car, the two look pretty deep in conversation.

Vance's arms are crossed, his eyes glued to looking at the ground and his body is leaning against the car while Billy stands opposite him with his hands in his pockets.

Bruce's eyebrows furrow. Neither of them have noticed him yet despite him being the only person walking in their direction.

"I just don't know how to tell Bruce..." Vance exhales, barely loud enough for Bruce to hear.

"Tell me what?" Bruce asks, startling Billy and Vance.

"Bruce, you really need to stop sneaking up on people like that. It scares the shit out of us!" Billy exclaims.

Bruce smiles. "Where's the fun in that?" He looks over at Vance. "What did you guys want to tell me?"

The other two lock eyes. Vance shakes his head and Billy sighs. "It's not important."

Bruce's smile slowly falls. "Did something happen?"

"No, it's fine." Vance says. "Can we just go?"

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