145 8 14

(3rd pov)
Word count: 3754

(Just letting you guys know that if I ever use Spanish (Mexican Spanish), I've gotten the phrases from an account called "Español Con Ali" on YouTube as well as a few other accounts. I'm not fluent so feel free to correct me if you are🫶🏻🫶🏻)

Bruce walks down the empty hallways of the high school.
His English class had been a drag so he decided to ask to use the bathroom. He doesn't plan on going though, he just wants to wander around.

Bruce turns a corner, accidentally bumping into a smaller person.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Bruce exclaims, looking down at the smaller girl. She has blonde hair tied up into a high ponytail with a green scrunchie and she's wearing a cheerleader outfit with a jacket over the top of it.

Judging by her face, she seems to be having it quite rough at the moment.

She looks up her him, her blue eyes glossy and wide. "No...uh, it's fine."

Bruce frowns. "What's wrong?"

The girl wipes away her tears with a forced smile. "I'm okay.."

Bruce's heart stings.

Bruce is exactly like her. Bottling up feelings and pretending that everything is amazing.

He can tell just by looking at her, it's the popular kid curse. You can't show a single sign of vulnerability to anybody.

It's something Bruce Yamada had to experience himself.

She walks around, as she's about to turn the corner, Bruce speaks up. "Alright, but I'm here if you need to talk."

She stops walking and turns her head to look at him. "That's sweet, but you don't even know me.."

Bruce shrugs. "I don't have to know you to care about you."

She pauses for a second or two. "What's your name?" She asks.

"Bruce. And you?"

"My name is Chrissy." She says before she gives him a small smile, a gentle one. "Thank you, Bruce..."

Chrissy continues on her way, her ponytail swinging from side to side as she walks down the hallway and into the girl's bathroom.

Bruce sighs, deciding that he should probably go back to class. He slowly walks back to his English classroom.

Coincidentally, as soon as he walks inside, the final bell of the day rings.

Sullivan, who sits behind him in English, scoops up Bruce's bag from his chair before walking over to him, passing him his bag.

"Time for tryouts, Yamada." Sullivan says, grinning at how Bruce's face brightens up.

He had made sure to give Vance his car keys at lunch so he can drive everyone else home while Bruce is at his tryouts and then he can walk home.

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