54 4 2

(3rd pov)
Word count: 3051

One thing Bruce didn't miss was attending school. More specifically, the hellish noise coming from his alarm clock.

Many take Bruce as the kind of guy to be a morning person, but that just isn't the case. Bruce hates waking up too early, he refuses to let the tiredness show, but if you really know Bruce, you'd know that he has a natural talent for acting.

Bruce groans, hitting the button on his alarm clock (almost knocking it off of his bedside table) and rolling off of his bed, falling straight into the ground with a loud thud.

"Fuck!" Bruce winces, knowing that this was his own fault and that he had it coming.

He really needs to stop doing this. For someone who is a straight A student, he can be quite stupid, he moves his body before he can even think.

Sometimes it can really help Bruce out while he plays baseball.

Bruce gets himself up off of the floor and he pulls on the clothes he put out for himself the night prior.

After freshening himself up, Bruce walks downstairs to see Hopp already making breakfast.
Vance is sat down in the living room, seeming pretty restless. He's fidgeting with the silver rings on his fingers and he's bouncing his right leg up and down at a rapid pace.

Bruce sits next to him. "Hey..." he whispers. "What's wrong?"

Vance, clearly lost in thought, hadn't noticed Bruce so he flinches when he first speaks up.

"Fucking hell..." Vance mutters, his ocean blue eyes meeting Bruce's earthy brown eyes. "I'm fine."

Bruce subconsciously leans closer to Vance's face. "Tell me.." he says in a concerned, hushed voice.

Vance holds his breath, blush creeping onto his face. "I'm fucking fine..." He breathes out.

Hopp glances over at the two boys, his eyes narrowing, noticing how close they are to each other's faces.

Almost too close, as if they're about to kiss.

Not that he'd have a problem if something was going on between his nephew and Bruce, it's just the last thing Hopp would guess about Vance.

By the amount of times Vance has been arrested, Hopp would've thought that Vance would be more focused of fighting rather than romance.

Especially him falling for Bruce of all people. The two are the complete opposite of each other, but maybe Bruce can help level Vance out a little bit.

However, Hopp decides to leave them to it, going back to preparing the food.

He had tried asking his nephew what was bothering him only to be met with some petty insults.

Hopp is aware he's not the best at dealing with kids, especially the fiery ones like Vance, so hopefully Bruce can help him out.

The chief police officer hasn't been informed on everything that has happened to these kids.

All he knows is that the boys were abducted by a man known as the Galesburg Grabber.

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