Chapter Two | First Meeting

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✰ 𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩! ✰

Soon the police and heroes entered the scene of the destruction, and the villains who had caused the destruction were eventually taken hostage and arrested. You soon were safely on the ground from the heroes by some fellow heroes, ambulances, and paramedics rolling out multiple beds to take injured civilians who were hurt. Asuna was on one of those beds, you were following her bed until she was safely into the truck, the doors closing as the ambulance lights flashed and sirens were heard, driving off towards the hospital. You sigh as you watch the ambulance drive away before you feel someone's hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump slightly and turn your attention towards them, your eyes immediately relaxing after seeing who it is.

"Heyo! You doin' alright?"

*Hawks asked with a friendly and charming smile, running his fingers through his golden locks as he examined you, making sure you weren't injured in any way. You stared at the male in awe for a moment before gasping out, quickly shaking your head and waving your hands in the air.

"Oh yes yes! I'm perfectly fine- thanks for saving me and my friend, I really appreciate it."

You say kindly with a smile on your face, putting your hands over your chest as you look up at the male with appreciation in your tone. Hawks is surprised just how kind you were, causing him to smile more and bow down slightly towards you, his hand over his chest.

"It was my pleasure.. Miss..?"


You smiled at the male, Hawks standing back straight up as he looked down at you, nodding his head at you with a smile.

"Well.. it was my pleasure Miss, Y/N."

Hawks says kindly, resting his arms towards his sides, putting a hand on his hip slightly, tilting his head towards the side with curiosity.

"Say.. you rushed in there to save your friend with no hesitation- are you a hero?"

He questioned, moving his hand from his hip onto his chin, fluttering his eye brows slightly. You stare at the male for a while, trying to process what he said before it finally clicked. You did just rush in there and saved her with no hesitation but- you didn't have a quirk nor were a hero. So why did you do it so willingly?

"Oh no no.. I'm not a hero, I don't even have a quirk."

Hearing this caused Hawks eyes to go wide slightly, his curiosity getting the better of him. He then took a step closer towards you, leaning his head down towards your face as he looked at you closely, examining you, causing you to blush softly, your heart beating out of your chest. Smiling nervously, you glance around the area to avoid his gaze.

"You don't have a quirk yet you still went in there and saved her? You know you could have died, right? Why did you do it?"

Hawks asked, his sharp gaze remaining on you as he stared at you intensely, his gaze never leaving yours. You slowly look towards the male, your gaze meeting his. His gaze was intense, it was hard to look away from. You feel your cheeks warm up and turn redder as you gulped slightly, your mouth slowly opening to respond to him.

"W-Well I uh- d-don't actually know why I did.. I just.. saw my friend was in danger and I had to help her. I knew I could have risked my life but- I still.. wanted to help her."

You say with honesty, your gaze softened as you look at the male, feeling your body tense up the more you stared at the male. Hawks stared at you for a long while before he eventually stood up straight, stretching his arms behind his head with a smile on his face.

Your Hero / Hawks x Reader (Fem)Where stories live. Discover now