Chapter Four | Rumors

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✰ 𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩! ✰

It had been a few months since you and Hawks officially became friends. You guys would often text and call throughout the days, sometimes even go out with one another. People around started to notice, sometimes taking pictures of the two of you and posting it online. You two have become a very popular "couple."

Currently, you were walking home from work, your bag in your hand as you sighed out, feeling the cold breeze flow through your skin. You then start hearing some whispers from around you, specifically a group of fangirls. You knew they were most likely talking about you and Hawks which was normal to you at this point so you shrugged it off and walked away as normal.

Before you could get far the group of fangirls had caught up to you, one of the main girls grabbing your arm and forcing you to turn towards them, a bright grin on the main girls face.

"So you're the one who's going out with Hawks huh? I'm surprised a ten like him would date a zero like you."

She said before laughing out, her girlfriend's behind her laughing along with her. You stare at the girls with no expression present on your face, shrugging her hand off your arm, scuffing slightly.

"We're not even going out, we're just friends. So you can calm your tits and leave me alone."

You say sternly before turning away from them and starting to walk back towards your apartment complex once again, one of the other girls appearing in front of you, her eyes shining red as her hair began to grow long and turn hard.

"Oh you think you're gonna leave just like that? I don't think so."

The girl says with a smirk on her face, her hair moving along the air. Your eyes begin to widening watching her hair suddenly go long and turn long, you thought that could have been her quirk. You grip your bag tightly before stepping back, bumping into another one of the girls, turning your attention towards her.

"Maybe if we mess you up a bit Hawks will be forced to dump you and come with us."

Another girl of the group said, a bright smirk on her face as her nails started to grow long, sharping slightly. The main group of the girls, long blond hair, heavy makeup on her face while her tits hung out, wearing a tight red dress with red heels came walking up towards you, her hands on her hips. She smirked down at you, twirling her hair slightly, her eyes shining brightly.

"I can't believe Hawks would even consider going out with someone like you.. when he has someone like me!~ But you know.. Hawks never actually keeps a relationship, each relationship he's been in never lasts for more than a week, he'll dump you within a day or two."

The female laughed as her girlfriends behind her started to laugh, their eyes shining brightly and evily as they all stared down at you. You stare up at the females, staying quiet, griping your bag tightly.

"Like I said.. we're not even going out! We're just friends! And if you say that he never keeps a relationship why would you think he would keep one with-"

"Shut up! I know the types of females he's into and I know for a FACT that I'm his type! So he would always choose me over someone as ugly and pathetic as you!"

The woman shouted, pushing her girlfriends aside before walking towards you, her gaze staring you down as you slowly backed up, eventually wandering into an alleyway and bumping into a wall, being pinned up by the girl.

"If you would ever think for a fact Hawks would ever go out with you.. you better second guess that."

The woman said sternly, glaring you down while she pinned you up against the wall, her girlfriends behind her, their quirks both going off. You stared at the two for a long while before you slowly glanced up, seeing a familiar winged-man figure slowly flying down, landing behind the females. You didn't say anything but looked back at the girl, a small smirk appearing on your face.

"Yeah.. I guess you're right, I would never have a chance with Hawks, after all- he is your type after all."

You say casually, putting your hands up in the air with your head tilting towards the side, a smile planted on your face. The girl looks at you confused, wondering why you were acting so calm all the sudden. She growled slightly, standing back and putting her hand up, about to slap you before Hawks had grabbed her wrist, holding it up slightly.

"Sorry.. is that what you really thought? That you were my type?"

Hawks asks causally, looking down at the female with a small glare in his eyes, his golden eyes sharp. The girl looks at the male with a gasp, her eyes softening up at the sight of him, her girlfriends turning off their quirks and covering their mouths, trembling slightly.

"H-Hawks! I- T-that's not what I said! W-what I said was-"

"You can cut the crap, just seeing the look of you I could tell what kind of girl you are."

Hawks interrupted her before letting her wrist go, walking over and standing in front of you, picking you up bridal style and holding you tightly in his arms in a protective manner, glaring at the females. You were a bit surprised by the males sudden movements but didn't hesitate to wrap your arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly.

"Now you ladies can excuse us we'll be on our way. And if I see you girls harassing her again, you won't like what I'll do."

Hawks said harshly before his wings flapped rapidly, flying up into the air, a big gush of wind flowing the crazy fangirls down on the ground, the leader of their group whining out slightly and attacking her girlfriends with anger.

You tightly held onto the male, closing your eyes tightly feeling the cold breeze against your skin. Feeling the speed slow down you slowly opened your eyes, hearing his wings flapping slowly and glancing your attention up at his face, a small smile forming on your face.

"Thanks for that.. I could have handled it myself."

You say with a smile, tightly holding onto the male as the two of you fly into the air, Hawks tightly holding you in his arms. Hawks chuckled at your comment, humming slightly before nodding his head at you, slowly glancing back at you.

"I know you could have.. but I wanted to be your hero again."

He said in a more calm manner, his face becoming more relaxed and calm from the events that just took place. The two of you were inches apart from one another, both your faces slightly pink from being so close to one another. You two eventually both look away, smiling nervously before Hawks had gently landed on your balcony to your apartment, setting you back down on your feet.

"Well.. I'll see you around, hopefully next time you won't be getting harassed by some fangirls."

Hawks says with a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. You stand back up on your feet and look up at the male, smiling at him before nodding your head at him.

"Of course.. I'll give you a ring when I'm free."

You say before opening your balcony door. Before you stepped inside you slowly glanced back at the male, walking towards him and leaning up on your tippy toes, kissing his cheek softly.

"You're my hero."

You whisper before giving him one last smile before entering your apartment, closing the balcony door behind you and closing the curtains. Hawks stands there with wide eyes, his cheeks turning red by the sudden kiss as he chuckled softly, putting a hand on his cheek where you kissed him.

"I'll be damned.."

He mumbled before shaking his head softly, standing on the railings of your balcony before flying off, his wings flapping through the wind as he began to fly back to his apartment. Am I falling for her?

Your Hero / Hawks x Reader (Fem)Where stories live. Discover now