Chapter Nine | The Discussion

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Hawks was waiting urgently at your meeting spot the two of you agreed on, pacing back and forth with his hands in his pockets, thinking about everything from the night before. Once he saw you finally approaching he quickly rushed over towards you, his face full of stress and fear.

"Y/N! Thank gosh your here listen there's something really important I have to-"

"Wow so now you finally decide to talk to me, huh?"

You interrupt the male as you cross your arms over your chest, narrowing your eyes at the male with a cold look on your face. Hawks looks at you a bit confused before realizing that he hasn't spoken to you in almost two weeks and not properly apologizing. He then sighed out and put a hand over his face in slight annoyance.

"I know, I know I'm sorry but right now I don't have time to explain myself about that. Right now I have to tell you something really important so please just listen to me for a few-"

"Oh really? Something really important? Did it really take you two weeks to finally speak to me again to tell me something important? Wow, I see how you are."

You interrupt again, snapping at the male with small tears forming in your eyes, clutching your fists slightly looking down at the ground, your body trembling slightly.

"You can't just expect me to listen to you after ignoring me for two long weeks? When I tried to talk to you ignored me, you pretended like I didnt exist! Do you think I just forgot about it all? No I didn't! Because I actually care about you and our friendship!"

You shout with anger and sadness in your voice, looking back up at the male with tears in your eyes, rolling down your cheeks onto the ground. Hawks notices your expression and attitude, causing his eyes to go wide a bit. He hadn't forgotten about what has happened the past two weeks, he was just afraid to speak to you again after what happened that time at your house where you two almost kissed.

Hawks takes a deep breath and exhales harshly, slowly walking up to you and placing his hands on your shoulders firmly, staring deep in your eyes as he speaks.

"I'm sorry I never replied back, I'm sorry I was a coward and was afraid to speak to you again after what happened.. I'm sorry about everything I've done to upset you these past two weeks, it was wrong for me to do what I did and then never apologize for it.."

He said, slowly moving a hand to cuff your cheek, slowly wiping the tears from your eyes. You look at the male in awe listening to his words, more tears flowing in your eyes as your lips tremble before wrapping your arms tightly around him, hugging him tightly as you cried out to him.

"I was so afraid you hated me! I was so scared you never wanted to talk to me again! I didn't wanna loose you because I love you!"

You cry out before your eyes widen at the last bit, inhaling sharply as you quickly pull back from the hug, looking up at the male in shock as you cover your mouth. Hawks stares down at you in awe and shock, his eyes wide as his wings flutter behind him, his hair blowing the wind.

"...What.. what did you say?"

He asks in a soft and gentle tone, taking a step closer towards you again as you move back, shaking your head at him keeping your mouth covered. You step back more before bumping into someone, turning your head to see Asuna standing there, a bright smile on her face.

"Asuna? What are you doing here?"

You ask, seeming confused on how and why she was here, she had left when you and Hawks were texting. So how did she know? Asuna looked at you with a bright smile on her face, twirling her hair slightly.

"Oh no reason.. I was just walking around when I saw you here and- oh! You're here with Hawks! How sweet~"

She says while grinning. Hawks instincts immediately show as he quickly moves towards you, shoving you behind him and glaring at Asuna with his sharp eyes, his feathers sharpening a bit.

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