Chapter Five | I'll save you

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✰ 𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩! ✰

Ever since your encounter with the fangirls, you hadn't been attacked from them anymore in fear of Hawks noticing or catching them, so you could finally roam free around Japan aside from paparazzi following you around, sometimes reporters coming up to ask you questions.

You were currently at the mall with Asuna, the two of you walking down the halls of the mall with bags in your arms, most of those bags filled with clothes for Asuna as you only had a couple bags filled with a few clothes and some things for your apartment. Paparazzi hiding poorly in the background trying to take photos of you.

"Can you believe it? Everyone thinks your Hawks's girlfriend! Isn't that crazy?! You should feel honored! You even got paparazzi following you around!"

Asuna squeals with excitement, laughing happily as she walked ahead of you, you staying behind to watch the female walk ahead of you, yapping her head off about you and Hawks. You just smiled at her and shook your head slightly, sighing a bit at the thought.

"Me? Hawks's girlfriend? Right.."

You say to yourself with a small laugh, speeding up to catch up to Asuna, walking beside her as the two make your way towards a nearby starbucks. You two wait in line, soon getting to the front and taking your orders, paying then walking towards the side to wait. You two get your drinks and walk out of the small shop, drinking your coffee's happily as Asuna starts to rant on again.

"Just imagine it- Hawks and Y/N on the cover of the magazine.. the hottest couple in all of Japan! Oh and I would be your guys number one supporter!"

Asuna says with her eyes shining brightly, taking another sip of her drink. You laugh slightly at her silly little imagination, rolling your eyes a bit before looking off towards the side, taking a sip of your drink before swallowing it, looking back at your friend.

"You know that's never gonna happen, Asuna. Me and Hawks are just friends. Besides.. who would like a quirkless girl like me?"

You question letting out a soft sigh, looking off towards the side a bit with a saddened look on your face, putting the straw in your mouth but not drinking it. Asuna notices the shift in your behaver as she frowns a bit. She opens her mouth a bit to speak before there was a sudden explosion in the mall. Of course you and Asuna were on the third floor so.. flop!

The two of you fell from the third floor down to the first floor, coughing out slightly from the smoke that spread all around. Asuna was first to get up as you had hit your head on the way down before falling, blood gushing from your head. Asuna rushed over towards you, quickly putting her arms under you to try and lift you up.

"Y/N! Oh my gosh are you okay?! Oh jeez your head is bleeding.. oh gosh there might be a villain here still- w-we have to get out of here!"

Asuna says in a panic, finally getting you on your feet. You stumbled slightly as you stood up, the blood rolling down your cheek from your head, dripping onto the floor, your body leaning up against Asuna's as you cough out slightly, your vision blurring by the minute.


You speak poorly before you had eventually passed out, your body completely limping against Asuna, causing the both of you to fall to the floor, Asuna yelping as the two of you fell. Asuna quickly sat on her knees, shaking your shoulders a bit trying to wake you up, small tears forming in her eyes.

"Y/N? Y/N! Wake up, Y/N this isn't funny! Get up!"

She yells towards you, your body not moving an inch as she continued to shake you, more blood gushing down your head. Asuna's yelling had caught the attention of the villains that had blown up the mall, the sounds of multiple footsteps running towards the two of them.

Asuna heard these footsteps as she quickly stood up, putting her arms under your shoulders and pulled you along as she walked further away from the footsteps, having some trouble trying to pull you along as she groaned with frustration.

"Damnit Y/N, how are you so heavy?!"

Asuna shouts in annoyance, continuing to drag you along before she had tripped over a pebble, falling to the ground causing her to let you go. She quickly sat back up and was about to get to you before the villain had stepped in front of her, glaring down at her.

"Don't worry about your little friend here, we'll take care of her."

The male said sternly before another male from behind him had grabbed you, carrying you over his shoulder before he was suddenly pushed towards the side with a red feather, a familiar male catching you in his arms as you fell. The leader of the villains had glance over upon hearing his buddies yell, his eyes going wide seeing the hero standing in front of him with you in his arms.

"I'll be the one taking care of her actually."

Hawks had said sternly, his gaze intense as his feathers began to spread out, attacking the villain that attacked the mall, each of the villains that were spread around the mall now being lifted up into the air by his feathers. Asuna watched the whole thing in awe, her eyes sparkling before quickly grabbing her phone from her pocket, taking a picture of you in Hawks arms while Hawks had an intense look on his face, almost a look of protection and possession.

Hawks watched as all the villains flew in the air by his feathers before his gaze shifted towards you, immediately softening upon seeing your condition. You were unconscious with blood gushing down your head.


Hawks spoke softly and gently, slowly raising his hand up to stroke your cheek, his other arm holding you tightly against his chest, sighing out before wrapping both his arms around you, then glancing over towards Asuna sternly.

"Make sure she gets to a hospital, your her friend correct?"

Hawks asks, walking over towards the female, placing you in her arms. Asuna struggles a bit to hold you but eventually does, holding you tightly as she looked up at the blond haired male, nodding her head at him with determination.

"Yeah I am, and I'll get her to a hospital ASAP."

Asuna says sternly before adjusting her grip on you before running out of the scene, holding you tightly as she ran, your blood trailing behind the two as she ran. Hawks watched Asuna leave with you in her arms, sighing gently before glancing back over at the villains, clutching his fists slightly.

"You'll pay for what you did to her."

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