Chapter Seven | Feelings

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It had been a week since you were out of the hospital, going back to doing your normal things as you did before, only now you had a scar on your forehead but- that didn't seem to mind you. You were currently at home late at night, rubbing cream along your scar before you heard a knock at your balcony door, knowing exactly who it was. You smile as you clean up your mess, quickly rushing out of the bathroom and towards the balcony, seeing Hawks in your view as you quickly open the door for him.

"Hey Hawks."

You happily said, stepping aside to the male can come inside. Hawks steps inside, shaking himself off a bit before letting out a sigh of relief, looking towards you with a warm smile on his face.

"Hey, kid."

He says before walking over and sitting down on your bed, letting out a groan of satisfaction as he leaned onto your bed, his wings spreading out across your bed. You giggle watching the male, walking over towards him and sitting down on the edge of your bed, looking to the male with your hands leaning against your bed, leaning back and tilting your head towards the side.

"Long day at work?"

You ask with a smile, watching the way Hawks looked so comfortable on your bed, causing your cheeks to turn a light pink color, admiring him. Hawks nodded his head as he sighed out, rubbing his face with frustration.

"Yeah.. chased down a villain all across the streets. We managed to capture him but it was still one hell of a ride trying to get him."

Hawks explained with a laugh, glancing over at you with a smile on his face, his fingers running through his golden locks.

"How was your day?"

He asked, tilting his head slightly as he looked up at you with a curious look on his face, wanting to know how your day was. You glance down at the male, smiling down at him.

"It was fine.. it was a long day at work but I managed."

You say with a shrug, looking off towards the side before looking back at the male, moving hair out of your face. As you move hair out of your face, Hawks could see the visible scar on your forehead as he frowned slightly, slowly sitting up and leaning his hand towards your head, gently placing a hand on your scar.

"I still feel bad I couldn't save you in time.. now you have this scar on your forehead. Don't get me wrong, you look badass but— it just reminds me of the pain you were in."

He says with a saddened tone as he stared at the scar, a sigh leaving his lips, his gaze leading towards your eyes. You blush heavily watching him come closer, his hand gently touching your scar as you gulp slightly, twitching lightly at his touch. However, after hearing his tone of voice and seeing his expression, your face softens up a bit as your gaze meets his, staring each other in the eyes.

"You don't have to feel bad.. I think the scar is pretty badass.. and to me it reminds me that I survived such an attack and that well— you saved me again, I guess you truly are my hero."

You say happily with a laughing smile, tilting your head slightly as you look at the male, trying to lighten the mood a bit. Hawks felt something in him snap as he heard you call him "your hero" again. He moves his head closer, his hand slowly moving down from your head to your cheek, caressing it gently.

"When I look at you this close.. I can see how much more beautiful you are."

He whispers to you, his breath breathing against your skin, causing you to shiver slightly. You look deep into the males eyes, your eyes shining as your breath starts to pick up as he moves closer towards you, your lips now inches away from his.




You asked with a soft expression as he suddenly says another name, looking at the male a bit confused, his hand continuing to caress your cheek lightly as he stares deep into your eyes, his gaze serious and sharp.

"Call me Keigo, Keigo Takami."

He says sternly as he continues to stare at you, his wings shifting slightly from behind him. "What is happening to me? Why am I suddenly feel this way around her? What's going on.. we're just friends and yet.." He thought, his cheek slowly turning pink as his breath also started to pick up, his breath hot.

You stare at the male in awe, listening to his breath slowly picking up as you swallow your saliva, slowly moving your hand up towards his cheek. "What's going on? What's happening to us? One minute we're laughing and now.." You thought, your cheeks flushing up as your heads move closer to one another, your breaths breathing against each other lips.

You close your eyes expecting the two of you to kiss, Hawks hands tightly grasping your cheeks as he stares down at you, seeing you puff your lips to kiss him. He grips your cheek hesitantly, tightly but not painfully before he pulls back, pushing you back a bit with a nervous smile on his face.

"Sorry about that, guess we got lost in the moment huh?"

He asked with a laugh, standing up from the bed and fixing his hair a bit, his wings shifting behind him. You slowly open your eyes feeling him push you back, glancing up at him before quickly standing up, watching him walking towards the balcony door and opening it, stepping out.

"I-I'll see you later, Y/N."

He says, standing on the railing before jumping off, flying off before you could even say anything back at him. You quickly run outside towards the balcony, leaning your hands on the railing as you watch him fly off, your hair blowing through the wind as you grip the railing tightly.


You whisper before loosening your grip on the railing, sighing out gently before walking back inside your apartment, gently closing the balcony door and closing the curtains, staring at them as you looked down, your eyes dilating slightly as you got lost in your thoughts.

"What was that all about..?"

Your Hero / Hawks x Reader (Fem)Where stories live. Discover now