Chapter Six | I'll be your hero

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✰ 𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩! ✰

Soon after the accident you were quickly taken to the hospital, taken to a room to get your injuries checked out. You had to get some stitching on your head, but other than that you only had a few cuts and bruises, otherwise you were fine.

You were currently lying on your hospital bed, glancing up at the ceiling as you tried to remember everything that had happened, a bandaged wrapped around your head to protect your fresh stitches. You then hear a knock at your door, seeing a nurse peak her head in before you see Hawks and Asuna walking inside, Asuna with tears in her eyes and Hawks with a bouquet of roses in his hands.


Asuna cried out, rushing over towards you and throwing her arms around you, causing you to groan out with discomfort, but quickly ignoring it to hug her back, smiling warmly at her before exhaling out, glancing your eyes up at Hawks, your eyes softening.

"How you feeling, kid?"

Hawks asked as he stepped in the room, closing the door behind him before walking over towards you, placing the roses on the small table next to you, gently sitting down on a chair next to the bed. You looked at the male with a soft look on your face while Asuna sobbed onto you, smiling warmly at him.

"Doing better.. my head is a bit fuzzy but other than that I'm good."

You say as you rubbed Asuna's back in circles to try and comfort her, giggling softly at her reaction to being in the hospital. Asuna sobs out, her snot and tears getting onto your clothes as she shakes her head side to side, holding onto you tightly.

"I thought you were dead! You weren't moving at all! I was terrified! But then- then Hawks came and rescued you before you could be taken! Oh Y/N!"

Asuna cried out, causing you to giggle more and sigh out, Asuna was always a cry baby when it came to things like this, so she just let her let it all out while you rubbed her back, giving her small pats every once in awhile. Your eye brows rose at her words that Hawks had rescued you, causing you to look over at Hawks.

"You saved me?"

You question, causing Hawks to smile warmly at you, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as a soft blush came across his face. He was about to speak before Asuna had interrupted the two of them, showing you the photo of Hawks carrying an unconscious you in his arms during the attack.

"See! He did save you! I even got proof here! Now that I'm looking at this photo more the more I see the way it looks.. you guys look like such a cute couple!"

Asuna says happily as she stares down at the photo, moving away from the bed and going towards the corner of the room, inspecting the photo more clearly. You watch Asuna suddenly shift in attitude as you shake your head slightly, smiling at her before shifting your attention back at Hawks with a smile on your face.

"Well.. thanks for saving me, again."

You say sweetly, smiling warmly at him with a soft blush spread across your face, causing Hawks to blush more, quickly turning from you and pulling his coat over his mouth and cheeks to hide his blush, his hand up in the air.

"Y-Yeah uh.. y-you don't have to thank me.. it's just my job as a hero."

He says nervously, looking towards the side, avoiding the contact, his eyes dilating slightly from the nerves he was feeling. You stare at the male in confusion for a bit, not realizing Asuna was in the background, recording the two of them with a proud grin on her face, snickering under her breath.

"Got you now."

She mumbled to herself before ending the video, putting her phone in her pocket before clearing her throat a bit, fixing her composure as she looked at the two of them.

"I should be going, you'll stay with her right, Hawks?"

Asuna asked the male quickly, opening the door towards her hospital room. Hawks heard her talking to him as he shifted his attention towards the woman, uncovering himself as he gave her a quick nod.

"Oh yeah, sure."

With that said Asuna had left the room, leaving the two of them alone as Hawks raised his eye brow slightly at her, putting a hand over his chin as he thought for a moment. Why did she leave so quickly? He thought to himself before shrugging those thoughts away, looking back at your direction.

"Did they say when you could go home?"

He asked with curiosity as he tilted his head slightly. You watched as Asuna left the room, curious on why she rushed out so quickly but quickly snapped back into your thoughts as you heard the males voice, looking at him, thinking about what he said, taking a moment before replying to him calmly.

"They said I could go home tomorrow, I have no serious wounds so they have no reason for me to keep me here."

Hawks nodded his head, leaning back against the chair with his hands folded over his chest, looking up at the ceiling slightly as his wings fluttered behind him, some loose ones falling to the floor, one falling onto the bed. You glance down at the feather that fell onto the bed, gently reaching over and grabbing it, holding it up to your face as you smile gently. Hawks could feel the sensation of your hand on his feather, causing him to shiver slightly and look over, noticing you looking at his feather.

"Can I keep it?"

You ask softly, inspecting his feather closely and carefully with a smile, glancing back over at the male. Hawks looked at you a bit surprised at your question, his cheeks flushing up slightly before smiling back at you, nodding his head at you sweetly.

"Yeah of course.."

He says softly, seeing you hold the feather in your hands in a protective manner before letting out a soft yawn, slowly laying more comfortably in your bed, putting the blankets over you. Hawks noticed this as he smiled warmly at you, standing up slowly and fixing the blankets that covered you, making sure you were nice and warm.

"I'll see you soon, Y/N."

Hawks whispered before gently moving hair out of your face, watching as you started to slowly drift off into sleep, his feather tightly gripped into your hand. He sighs contently before eventually walking towards the door, opening it and stepping out, giving you one last look before turning your lights off, shutting the door behind him quietly to not disturb you.

Your Hero / Hawks x Reader (Fem)Where stories live. Discover now