Chapter Eight | Distance

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After that encounter with Hawks, he's been acting very different towards you lately. Whenever you'd try to text him to hang out he would always say something like "Sorry, I have patrols I have to do." Or "I got a job, I can't." Whenever you'd see him in public, he would always try to avoid you at all costs. Whenever you were spotted by fans and they asked the two of you for a photo, he'd act like you weren't even there, it was driving you crazy.

You had told the situation to Asuna, the two of you in your bedroom as you sat on your bed. Asuna had her hands on her cheeks with her elbows against her thighs as she listened to you ramble on with rage about the male and his sudden attitude.

"And he had the audacity to act like I didn't even exist! I mean one time we almost kiss and now he's acting like he doesn't even know me! I mean the— the nerve of him!"

You say with annoyance and frustration as you lay down on your back on the bedsheets, groaning out looking up at the ceiling as you took deep breaths to calm down. Asuna stayed quiet as she listened to you ramble on, moving over and placing your head on her lap, running her fingers through your hair.

"I'm sure he has a reason why he's been acting so distant. I mean- you two almost kissed, he's probably just embarrassed to be around you right now."

She said in a comfort and gentle tone, her fingers massaging your head. You lay your head comfortably on Asuna's thighs, sighing out deeply feeling the comfort of her massaging your head, staring up at the ceiling in awe.

"Yeah but- that doesn't mean he gets to act like he doesn't even know me and avoid me everytime we see each other. He doesn't even pick up my calls anymore.. I just feel like- like we're growing farther and farther apart now."

You whine out as you look up at Asuna's face, giving her puppy eyes with a small sniff leaving your nose.

"Asuna.. I really like this guy and he's acting like he doesn't even know me, what should I do?"

You asked with desperation, looking up at the female before sitting up, grabbing Asuna's hands and holding them tightly, looking at her face with an awe and sad look on your face. Asuna blinked as she looked at you, sighing out gently before gripping your hands tightly back, smiling softly at her.

"Maybe you should try to talk to him. You know- forcefully."

Asuna says shrugging her shoulders a bit by the suggestion. You stare at the female for a minute before you looked off towards the side, thinking about what she had just suggested.

"So.. if he tries to run away from me when I talk to him just- force it out anyway? About what I wanna say?"

You ask looking back at the female, a hopeful look on your face. Asuna looks at you as she smiles seeing you understood what she meant, nodding her head at you.

"Yep! Even if he tries to run you have to stop him and force your words out on him. And if he continues to try and run from you.. then well- that doesn't mean he truly cared for your relationship."

Asuna said to you, a bit of coldness in her voice as she looked at you, her expression more serious than before. You look at Asuna, your eye brow narrowing at her before letting out a soft sigh, looking down at the bed.

"I hate.. having to force people to listen to me but- I can't let our relationship continue like this. It's been going so good and I— I-I can't afford to loose him, I just can't."

You say with determination before taking a deep breath, exhaling out and letting go of Asuna's hands, getting off your bed before running your fingers through your hair, glancing back over at Asuna with a smile on your face.

"You want a drink? I saved you one of your beers you left last time you were here."

You asked as you tilted your head at the female. Asuna looks at you with a smile before shaking her head at you.

"I'll just have a water.. I don't really want any alcohol."

Asuna says casually, waving her hand in the air. You raised your eye brow at her response. She didn't want alcohol? She's always down to have alcohol.. you thought before quickly shaking that thought away, thinking maybe she just wasn't in the mood from everything they've been through recently.

"Sure, I'll be back in a bit."

You say with a smile before walking out of your bedroom, closing the door behind you. Asuna watches you leave before letting out a sigh of relief. Her phone then starts ringing as she quickly grabs it and answers it, placing it on her ear.


"Toga! Did you get her yet? We've been waiting for too long and we need her now! This girl you're pretending to be is getting feisty, we can't keep her forever."

A male's voice is heard on the other line, causing Asuna or— Toga to whine out and lay back against the bed, her arm behind her head as she stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm working on it, Shigiraki.. I haven't gotten a good moment to do anything, I have to be careful."

Toga said causally, staring up at the ceiling as her eyes shined. While she spoke on the phone with Shigiraki, Hawks had appeared on your balcony, slowly opening the door before spotting Asuna on the bed, quickly hiding behind the wall.

"Shit- I didn't know she was here."

Hawks mumbled under his breath. He was about to leave before he had heard Asuna continuing to speak on the phone, hearing a.. strange conversation. He slowly peaked inside your apartment, watching Asuna stand from the bed and walk towards the mirror on your wall, running her fingers through her hair.

"I don't have enough of this girls blood to keep this form, but I can't rush into grabbing Y/N, it'll be risky and suspicious."

Toga said, some of her skin slowly starting to melt off as she turned to face Hawks, not noticing him as some of her face was half Asuna's and half Toga's, drinking the rest of Asuna's blood from her little container as she was back to being fully Asuna, flipping her hair a bit.

Hawks saw the whole thing happen as his eyes went wide, his feathers rustling with nerves as he watched the scene play out, quickly stepping back and closing the balcony door, hiding behind the wall.

"Toga? What— what is she doing here? And why is she disguised as Asuna?! And— why is she trying to get Y/N? What are they planning?"

He asked himself as he put his hand over his mouth, trying to think about everything he just saw. Asuna heard the balcony door closed as she glanced over, noticing the curtains moving slightly as she narrowed her eyes that direction.

"I'll call you back."

She said before hanging up the phone, putting it in her pocket before walking over towards the balcony door, moving the curtains out of the way before opening the door, stepping out and looking around, not noticing anything suspicious. Hawks was on the roof as he looked down at Toga looking around before your voice could be heard from inside calling out for Asuna. Toga heard your voice and quickly closed the door, stepping back inside.

Hawks watched as she stepped back inside before he gently stood up and flew off your rooftop, quickly grabbing his phone from his pocket, texting you urgently about having to meet up first thing in the morning.

"I have to tell her what's going on, what I just saw. I can't let anything happen to her, I just can't. I have to let the hero commission know as well."

Hawks said in a panic as he sent the message, putting his phone back into his pocket as he began flying towards the agency to let everyone know what was going on, what he just found out. If he didn't get this taken care of soon something could happen, they could take you capture and Hawks couldn't let that happen, not in a million years.

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