Chapter 21: If You Love Someone Let Them Go

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Minwoo P.O.V
"Ya Choi minah, Hwa Young parents stopped calling me their son-in-law" i said angrily

"What?! Didn't i tell you to become close to her family" she threw her watch bottle o the ground

"I did but sungyeol told hwa young's parents that they were dating" i looked at her

"This changes everything. My plan is ruined. Guess plan B has to come in" she smiled evil

"What is it?"

"All this time i wanted Sungyeol to break up with hwa young but i guess i need to make hwa young to break up with him instead"

"And how are you going to do that? Sungyeol would never let her break up with he loves her" i said

"Ya Minwoo, Sungyeol doesn't love her. He loves me and only me.I'll make sure she'll break up with him and he'll me all mine and you can have hwa young " She came and punch my shoulder "Plus i know one thing she could never forgive"


"That I'm not telling you" she cupped my cheeks but i shook her hands off my face and walked away

I walked to the restaurant. I saw chan yeol outside

"Yo what up man" i said we gotten close since i been working with him

"Yo man" he said

"What's up. You seem upset" i sat next to him

"I broke up with my girlfriend" he said looking at the ground

"Then why are you upset?" I asked

"I didn't want to break with her. She got to a offer to go America. She was going to stay. I couldn't let her give on her dream" he said with a sad tone

"Why did you let her go then?"

He saddly chuckled "Minwoo your older then me and i feel like i more mature. I let her go because i love her"

"I don't understand?"

"Minwoo like they say If you love someone let them go. If they love you back they'll come back" he said

"Chan yeol oppa... I need your help" i heared hwa young call from inside the restaurant

"Well, i need to go. Talk to you later" he said running inside

"If you love someone let them go. If they love you back, they'll come back." I thought what chan yeol said

I love hwa young but can i really let her go?
Who Are You: School 2015 OST -Pray

Who saw infinite new teaser for "Bad" I'm so excited for this!!!

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