Chapter 29:His First Love

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Sungyeol P.O.V
"To be honest i think he likes" he said chewing his gum.

I looked at him "What?!"

"From what i heared from Chanyeol, woohyun was alway nice to one person and the person was Hwa Young. Supposedly Hwa Young is his first love" he said

I looked down. " i can't let him have her. She's mine" i whispered to myself

I got up and Minwoo grabbed my arm "Your not even better yet where are you going" he said

"I feel perfectly fine"i said walking out the room.

I saw HwaYoung talking to woohyun. He looked at me and HwaYoung was about to turn around but woohyun pullied her into a hug.

HwaYoung P.O.V
"Woohyun why didn't you want me to see sungyeol." I said


"Woohyun!" i said angrily

"Hwa young, You want to know why? Because i love you, Ever since we were 5 I loved you. Your my first love." Woohyun said making me feel surprise

I saw him looking somewhere else. I was about to turn around but woohyun hugged me

"Woohyun..." he hugged me tighter "I love you" he said

Sungyeol P.O.V
"I love you" i heared woohyun said loudly looking straight at me

My blood started to boil. I was about to walk over there but minah ran over to me

"Sungyeol you should be in bed right now. Come on" she said

I saw HwaYoung quickly push woohyun away.

I walked pass Minah and to Hwa Young and took her hand.

I looked at hwa young. "I told you to never accept anyones confession but mine" i said pulling her outside to the school garden

Woohyun came outside and took her away from me and put her behind him.

He looked at me and grabbed me by my collar and punch me.

HwaYoung P.O.V
Woohyun grabbed sungyeol by his collar and punch him.

My heart felt pain. I closed my eyes. When i opened them again and woohyun about to punch him again.

"Woohyun, Stop it" i said grabbing on to his hand. He push sungyeol on to the ground.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him "Woohyun, Let go" i tried to break the grip.

My heart suddenly to feel heavy.
"Woohyun, please stop. I don't feel good." I looked back see sungyeol on the ground with people around him.

"Sungyeol" i said suddenly everything became black

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