Chapter 7: Mexican korean food and a little romance

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Sung Yeol P.O.V

I was walking hwa young home. I noticed we didn't live far from each other. We were about to walk past the New Mexican Korean restaurant I want to go to when I first saw hwa young.

Sung yeol are you hungry, i'll pay.  She said while looking at the restaurant.

I told her how hard it was to get in to that restaurant. 

She walked in the restaurant and yell

" Mom, dad i'm home"

Hwa Young P. O.V

We were about to walk past my family restaurant. I thought he might be hungry.

Are you hungry. I'll pay. I said as I stop in front of my family restaurant.

Do you know how hard it is in to get in there. Sung yeol said

I almost laughed when he said it was to hard to get in.

I walked in the restaurant. "Mom dad I'm home and i brought a friend". Sung yeol followed me in the restaurant.

"Hwa young your home." My mom said

Yes mom. Oh and this my friend sung yeol.I said

Sung yeol bowed at my mom.

"Hello I'm Hwa young mom. Nice to meet you. Sung Yeol" she said politely

Nice to meet you too. Sung Yeol said

Are you hungry sung yeol. I'll make something or my husband can. My mom asked

"Sure I would love too". He answer

My mom smile. Sit down please. Hwa young will be with you in a moment.

My mom grabbed my arm and took me to the kitchen.

In the kitchen

"Hwa young." My mom said in a curious voice

Yes mom.

"Hwa young this the first time I see you feel comfortable with someone else that isn't one of you siblings." She said with a smile

"Yeah.. I found it weird at first too but It also have been with another guy today." I said while putting on my apron and grabbing the menu. And walked back to the front of the restaurant.

Sung Yeol P.O.V

I was sitting at the front of the restaurant. I saw pictures of hwa young and other 3 people round. They look like models. Especially hwa young.

I was about to grab on of the pick but at that time hwa young came back

Hi Sung Yeol oppa what would you like. She said and sat in front of me.

"What's your favorite" I asked

"What do you want to eat Korean food or Mexican food." She replied

"Mexican food?"

"Then you want to try my Moms cooking. I suggest ... Pozole." She said with a smile

Ok then I'll have that.

Ok I'll be right back. She said as she walked away.

I continued to look at the pictures. Two of them really caught my attention. One of them was of hwa young. She looked so cute with a flower in her hand and the other one had Hwa young on a guy's back. They looked happy together. It made me feel jealous.

I snapped myself out of it and sat back down. I went on my phone and then saw that two girl sat across from me.

The two girls got annoying. They kept trying to talk to me. One them was about to ask me out but then hwa young came out with a tray of food.

Hwa Young P.O.V

When I got to the front of the restaurant I saw Sung yeol looked annoyed because two girls were sitting next to him. I walk over to him. So I could give him his food

"Hi sung yeol" I said to sung yeol who looked happy to see me.

He grabbed the tray of food out of my hands and sat me next to him.

"Leave, my girlfriend here" he said in a rude tone to the girls and was holding my hand

When sung yeol said "girlfriend"  the girls looked shocked.

They got up and started to whisper to each other and left the restaurant.

I looked at sung yeol who was still holding my hand.

My heart started to felt werid.

I pulled my hand away and sat in across from where he was sitting. He looked at me.

Sung Yeol P.O.V

"So this is the food." I said trying to calm my heart down.

"Yes" she push the food closer to me. "This is my mom's cooking. try it" she said with a smile.

I grabbed my spoon and tasted the food. I can't remember the last time I had a cooked meal by a mom. I felt a tear coming out my eye.

"Sung Yeol are you ok" I heard hwa young say

"Yeah I'm find" I said continuing eating the food. "So your mom cooks mexican food and dad cooks korean food." I said trying avoid her asking if I was ok

"Ah my mom learn how to cook mexican food because when my mom was a teenager her parents used to always take her to Mexico for vacation. She always loved to go and loved the cooking . She went every summer but one day she was coming back from mexico and bumped in to my dad who was a korean chef. It was love at first sight. They feel in love and had me and my siblings." She said as she was taking down 3 pictures from the wall.

She took down the one with her on that guy's back, one with a man who looked older then us, and another one with a girl who looked 3 years older then us.

I picked up the picture of her and the guy. It had something written on the back of it.

October 16
A completion to the family.
Our princess Kim hwa young, and her protector Kim chan yeol.
A prefect pair .
They are one.
Together since birth.
Our princess and her protector

I couldn't  help but to feel jealous at the picture.

I finished eating my food and I was about to take out my wallet but hwa young said that she was going to pay since it was free because it's her restaurant. I smiled at her as I was getting up.

"Sung yeol it's the first time I think I ever saw you smile." She said happily

I smiled again and she was about to walk me outside.

Sungyeol jealous that hwa young was on her twin brother's back but he doesn't know that's her twin brother:) ( I forgot to put in the first chapter that chan yeol is hwayoung's  twin brother he's older then her by 3 mins.)

Anyways this time I put infinite new song "dilemma" that is in Japanese. It took me awhile to figure out that they had a new song because they didn't have it on their official channel on YouTube.

Last episode of Hi! School love on. Must watch. So happy for woohyun and Seul bi. I think I'm going to make a story about them after this one.

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