Chapter 37: Are You Okay?

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Sungyeol P.O.V
"Yeollie hurry" Hwa Young smiled as she ran in front of me

"Ya come here" i backed hug her and spined her around

She laughed

"Aww what a cute couple you are. Young man, Why don't you win her one of these couple teddy bears" the lady from the basket ball game pointed at the bears

"Do you want them?" I asked Hwa Young as i put her down and she nodded

The women handed me 3 balls.

1 in... 2 in... 3 in

"Here you go" the lady said handing me two stuffed bears. I gave one to Hwa Young and she smiled giving it a kiss

"How come that gets a kiss and i don't" i whined

She smiled. "You'll have to catch me" she said before running away. I ran after her but i couldn't find her

"Princess, Hwa Young-ah, Kim HwaYoung, Where Are You" i yelled out

"Sungyeol are you okay?" i open my eyes seeing my woohyun, Minwoo and my step mom

"Woohyun where's Hwa Young did you find her, is she okay" i sat up

Both Woohyun and Minwoo looked down "We couldn't find her any where." Woohyun said "The restaurant was close no one was around" Minwoo said

"There was accident" woohyun said with a tear coming down "It was girl who got hit by a truck."

"What...No... You're lying" i said

"Sorry Sungyeol but i think it was HwaYoung" woohyun said down next to me.

I grabbed my necklace and cried
"No i would i have felt if she died" i said to myself

Author P.O.V
The doctor came out of the operation room

"Mr. And Mrs. Kim, Your daughter is in very critical condition. I think it would be better if we transfer her to the U.S so she can get better treatment." The doctor said

"Doctor transfer her please" Hwa Young mom cried

"I'll set up the plans. We can transfer her tonight." The doctor said

Hwa Young parents went home and quickly packed bags of clothes they bought airplane tickets for themself ,Chanyeol, and Eunjung

Leaving the restaurant and everything behind
Song: FT Island - Heartache

Sorry for this horrible chapter. Not my best

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