Chapter 10 : Minwoo oppa?

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Hwa Young P.O.V

When sung yeol and I got to class. My heart was still racing so fast.

Do I like sung yeol? No I can't. Why would I like him. He's only my FRIEND. Right? I thought to myself while sitting at my desk

I look at Sung yeol listing to his music. Even one look of him makes my heart beat

His brown cute eyes, His chubby cheek, His perfect lips. YA! Kim hwa young what are you think about. Didn't you just say he's your friend. I yelled to myself in my mind laying my head on my desk.

" Are you ok?" Someone putting their hand on my shoulder making my heart race even more.

I looked up seeing sung yeol with his head phones off and looking at me with his hand on my shoulder. I could feel my cheeks turn red.

"I...i'm fine, I just tired." I said making an excuse. Laying my head back on the desk.

Wow now he's making me blush. I thought to myself while the teacher came in making me lift my head up.

"Listen up kids. I have someone that is going to be one of your new classmate. Come in young man

I smiled to see who it was.... Minwoo oppa

He looked at me and smiled

"Young man please introduce yourself" the teach asked

" Hi my name is No Minwoo. Please take care of me and I hope we could all be friends with all of you." He said having his eyes lock on me.

Minwoo P.O.V

"I want to go to this school." I said to my mom who was dragging me to go to school.

I got my papers and walked to class

Ah A-14 I found it. I accidentally bumped into a teacher

"Sorry"  I said to the teacher

"It's ok are by any chance Minwoo?"he asked

"Yes that me" I said polity

"Ok then come in i'm Mr. Park and your new teacher" he said taking me inside

I looked at the students and my eyes locked on a girl. Hwa Young

Yes! This is my chance to get her to be mine. I thought to myself smiling at her.

Then the teacher told me to introduce myself

" Hi my name is No Minwoo. Please take care of me and I hope we could all be friends with all of you."I  said while looking at hwa young.

Then I looked at the person next to her.

Sh** what is he doing here. I said to myself looking at him and he was looking at hwa young.

Sung Yeol P.O.V

Why are they smiling at each other? I thought to myself

Just looking at him make my blood boil.

I still remember his word that he told me that day at the Amusement Park

"Your my enemy In live. I like her and i'll get her to be mine." Those words flowed in my head whole time during class plus I could tell he kept sneaking peeks at hwa young from where he was sitting( Middle row near Hwa young)

During the whole class. I felt jealous think he was going to take Hwa young away from me.

I can't let that happen. I can't let him take her away from me 
Hi guys
Happy New years.I hope you have a great year!!!!

Ok so this time i played
" Bestie- like a star" I really love bestie their my favorite girl group.

Anyway hwa young likes sung yeol maybe even loves him but she doesn't want to admit it. Bad hwa young.

Next chapter something going to happens. That makes one feel something new and Minah's coming back.

Please vote☆and comment.Thank You Happy New years  

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