Chapter 4: Cute New Guy

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Hwa Young P. O. V

I was waiting that the pop balloon stand where. Sung Yeol told me to wait for him.

When this guy comes up to me.

Why is a beautiful girl like you standing here alone. He said with a smile.

I looked at the guy smile at me. He look so cute when he was smiling.

"How about I win you something from the pop balloon stand and you give me. Your phone number." Deal?" He said

I thought for a while. "Deal." I said with a smile

He grabbed the darts  and started to throw them.He won

He gave me the teddy bear and smile.

"So now can I get my prize" He said cutely as he took out his phone.

"What's your name?" He said

"Hwa young. Kim hwa young" I said while I was putting in my phone number.

My name is No minwoo. He said with a smile.

I smile at him. When someone took his phone out of my hands.

I looked and sung yeol had the phone .

Sung Yeol. I said with a smile. while Sung Yeol and Minwoo stared each other.

Sung Yeol P.O.V

I went to get some Ice cream because I heard hwa young  say she want some. I don't know why I want to bring her some ice cream.

I walked back to where I left hwa young and saw a guy give her a teddy bear. He took out his phone and gave it to hwa young. They started to talk to each other.

I drop the Ice cream on the ground and went over there. I took the phone out of hwa young hand.

Sung yeol said hwa young as she saw me but I was to busy looking at the guy he was also looking at me.

She grabbed his hand and lift it up. Sung yeol this is my friend new friend Minwoo.

I look at hwa young and saw that she was holding minwoo hand. Minwoo looked happy.

I felt mad to see she was holding someone else hand. Wait am I feeling jealous? I don't care.

I told hwa young to stand over there. She let go minwoo hand and when over to get cotton candy

Minwoo P.O.V

I saw the most beautiful girl at the pop balloon game. when I first saw her she made my heart beat.

I walk up to her said why was a beautiful girl alone.

I told her if I win her a teddy bear she would give me her phone number.

She said deal.

I got happy the she agree because i knew I could get her phone number because I'm really good at this game. Even though I can't win in any other games.

I won her the teddy bear and I took out my phone so she could put in her number.

I asked what her name was she kim hwa young, hwa young. I told her my name was No Minwoo. She smiled at me . Which my heart beat faster.

When suddenly someone took my phone out of her hand. She look at him and said Sung Yeol.

We looked at each other. I felt someone grab my hand. It was hwa young.

Sung yeol this is my new friend Minwoo. She said

She made my heart beat faster. When she touch me.

Sung yeol then told her go over there for a while. She stop hold my hand and walked away.

When hwa young left. Is she your girlfriend. I asked

He looked at me and smirked  "it's none of your business if she's my girlfriend.

It is my business because I like her and it seem you like her too. Right. I said as I smile.

He quickly reacted and said don't dare to take her away from me. I'll destroy you if you do.

I smiled on what he said " So you do then that mean your my enemy in love. I like her and I'll  get her to be mine "

Sung Yeol P.O.V

When he said "My ememy in love and that I like her and I'll get her to be mine.

Made me get mad. I felt my hand turn in a fist. I felt like I was going to punch him but then I felt some grab my arm. That made my heart beat

"Sung yeol hurry."Hwa young said in a cute voice

I hand release from being a fist 

I heard  Minwoo started to talk to her

"Hi hwa young". Minwoo said as he waved his hand

"Hi Minwoo" she said while smiling." Oh did you get my phone number" she add

Yes I did. I'll texts you later deal and when's your birthday. He said

I looked at hwa young. She look confused

October 16. why? She answered

Ok so that means I'm older then you. So you need to call me Minwoo oppa.  Minwoo said while smile

"Ah ok Minwoo oppa"  she said as she was smiling

I quickly took her arm and took her away

Bye Minwoo oppa make sure you texts me she said as I took her away.

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