Chapter 8: Meeting them, you can be friends & heart beat

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Hwa Young P.O.V

I was walking sung yeol out of the restaurant. When I saw my older brother Hyun wook, my older sister Eun Jung and my twin brother Chan yeol.

When I saw my older hyun wook. I quickly left sung yeol's side and hugged him. I didn't want to let go it's been 2 years since I seen him.

"I missed you too, princess" hyun wook said hugging me back

" Ya I'm here too" chan yeol said whining voice

I pulled away from hyun wook hug " yeah I but I see you everyday." I smiled

"She' s got a point. You two have been together ever since birth. I mean like we say Our Princess and her Protecter." Eun jung said when coming into the hug

"Exactly , I'm her protecter & her twin brother so she should be happy to see me instead." He said while trying to get in the middle of the hug.

Sung Yeol P.O.V

we walked out of the restaurant. I saw hwa young ran to a group of people.

They were the people from the pictures I saw inside the restaurant.

She hugged the oldest looking one. Then The older girl said something familiar
" Our Princess and her Protecter". Then I saw the guy from the picture with hwa young.

I felt jealous but then I heared the guy say " Exactly I'm her Protecter and her twin brother"

I walked away because they see me happy.

I felt relieved and happy that it was her twin brother. I was about to turn to the concert but then I felt someone hook their arm with mine

I looked to see who it was it . It was hwa young. She was smiling which made my heart flutter.

"Sung Yeol... My siblings noticed you and now they want to meet you. I like I said earlier today my siblings can be protective of me. Please can you meet them or they wouldn't let me be friends with you." She told me

I nodded my head at her and dragged me to where her siblings were waiting. She still had her arm hooked with mine.

My heart was beating faster then before.

When we got there her twin brother came and pulled her away from me

" See" she said pouting and pulling her arm from her brother

"Aigoo The Princess and her Protecter" The older girl said while shaking her head

"Hi i'm hwa young's older sister Eun Jung"She said as she bowed

"Hello my name is Lee Sung Yeol" i said bowing back

"I'm Hyun wook hwa young's older brother" the old guy said coming out of the  shadows

" And that's chan yeol hwa young twin brother" said Hyun wook pointing to chan yeol messing with hwayoung hair.

"Stop chan yeol " Eun Jung scolded him

Hwa Young then came back to my side

" So I guess you met My older brother Hyun Wook, My sister Eun Jung and My twin brother Chan yeol. " hwa young told me

Chan yeol kept staring at me.

" you can be friends with my sister"chan yeol finally spoke

Hwa Young P.O.V

"Really chan yeol oppa" I said happily

"Yes" he said going inside the restaurant

"Yay he said we be friends"  I said as I jumped happily

I tripped but I didn't fall on the ground. I fell in Sung yeol's arms.

Our eyes met. My heart started to beat really fast again. I quickly got up "Sorry" I said "See you tomorrow at school". I said trying to avoid the awkwardness

"Yeah see tomorrow. Good night" sung yeol said clearing his voice and  walked away

Why is my heart beating. I only heard people say that in dramas and fanfiction. I said to myself while feeling my heart beat

Sung Yeol Thoughts

I don't why you makes my heart beat
Just me seeing you from afar make me happy.
Just your smile makes my heartbeat
You makes my heart crazy
You makes me crazy
Why do you make me feel this way

What's wrong with me?


This time I put infinite F song "Heartbeat"
Since I first heard this song I been I love with it and the other songs on the album.

Anyways Hwa Young and Sung Yeol project is now over. Now the next  chapters might have a little more drama.

Their hearts start beating when there with each other.

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