Chapter 3: Saturday Project

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Sung Yeol P.O.V

It's finally Saturday. I felt excited to see Hwa young.

I don't know why? I mean I just met her a few days ago

we decide to meet up at school. I was waiting for her and 5 minutes later. She came around the corner with a white summer dress. When I saw her again my heart stated to beat faster again.

"Hi Sung Yeol!" she said with a bright smile as she was coming up to me

Hwa Young P.O.V

"Oh no I over slept I woke 10:45." I quickly got dressed, grabbed my camera and went to school.

I was walking to school with my camera around my neck. I got to school and saw Sung Yeol sitting on the bench.

"Hi Sung Yeol" I said with a smile

He stood up. I walked up to him and I tripped on a rock.

I fell in Sung yeol arms. I looked into his eyes and my heart stated to beat. It was awkward. I quickly got up from his arms.

"Thanks Sung Yeol" I said a smooth voice

He just nodded and told me to follow him. I followed him

Sung Yeol P.O.V

When hwa young fell in my arms my heart hasn't stop beating.

I told her to follow me somewhere.

The whole time she was smiling and taking pictures of the beautiful views behind me .

I grabbed her hand so she could stand next to me. That's when my heart felt like It was going to explode.

She pull her hand and said her hand hurted and return on taking pictures.

"Do you like taking pictures?" I asked

"Yes it's the second thing I love to do" She answered

"What's the first?"

"Cooking" She quickly answered with a smile.


She nodded. "I have to learn to cook especially that almost all my family is a chef or is learnring to be one and my parents make me work in the family restaurant. I love working there." She said


"Oh by the way where are we going?"

"A new Amusement Park that just opened up. I been dying to go." I answered her

Hwa Young P.O.V

I was behind sung yeol the whole time taking pictures of the sky and People walking by.

I saw a bunch of guys kept looking at me. It wasn't the first time that guys always put attention on me. I happened ever since the first year of middle school.

But I ignore them because my heart was still beating when sung yeol caught me in his arms.

Is it wrong? It's not like I have feelings for him. It probably because I shock that I fell in his arms.

Anways I tried to ignore that feeling by taking pictures.

I felt some on grab my hand it was Sung Yeol. He stood me next to him. We were walking in perfect sync. He was holding my hand.

I felt like my heart was just playing games with me. Why i'm I feeling this way?

I slowly pulled my hand out away from his.

"Sorry my hand hurted"I made an excuse.

Sung Yeol P.O.V

My heart was beating while holding hwa young hand but then she moved her hand away from mine.

Which made me feel a little upset. But then I started to think why I felt upset.

We got to the Amusement Park.

When we got there hwa young started to smile.

I looked at her beautiful smile that made my heart beat faster again.

I snapped myself out of it.

"You look happy to be here" I said in a cool tone

Yeah it my first time at an amusement park. She said with a smile

I looked at her .

"Well then be grateful that you came with me for the first time"

Hwa young P.O.V

Went I saw the amusement park I had a smile on my face.

Sung yeol said you look happy to be here

I said I was my first time. Then I kept looking st the rides. I heard sungyeol talking but I didn't pay attention to him. I agree with everything he said

We walked inside the amusement park and got to ride the rides

I could tell he was having a great time .

I started to ask questions like:

"What's your favorite thing to do."

"What's your favorite food."

"How many siblings do you have."

Sung Yeol P.O.V

My favorite thing to do: listen to music.

My favorite food is: kimbap

I have one brother... I didn't finish saying because it was to hard for me to talk about it.

"Really" I heard hwa young said.

I tried to hide a little tear that was trying to come out.

I ask her what I she likes

What is your favorite boy group
INFINITE she answered

How many siblings do you have
I have 3. I have two older brothers and one older sister

What's your favorite thing to eat.
My sisters famous Cupcakes

We kept talking. I also found out that she's allergic to peanuts. She hates that her siblings went they are so overprotective because of something that happen in her past that she didn't want to talk about.


I had to get something. I left hwa young wait at the pop balloon game

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