Chapter 6: Bus ride

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Sung Yeol P.O.V

When we were walking out of the amusement park. It started to rain. I got my jacket and cover hwa young with it.

We ran to a bus stop.

"Hwa young let's go on the bus ok". I said in a cold tone

She nodded and said ok

The bus finally came. When I got on the bus. I saw a bunch of girls were looking at me. I ignore them and sat next to hwa young. She was trying to not fall asleep while holding the teddy bear that minwoo in her arms.

The bus took off. I was  listening to music on my phone . When I felt hwa young head on my shoulder. She dropped the teddy bear on the floor and laid her hand on her lap. My heart skipped beats again. I look at her.

Wow she even beautiful when she's sleeping. I brushed that little piece of hair out of her face.

Hwa young P.O.V

I felt weird my heart was beating. When sung yeol covered me with his jacket. It reminded me of a scene in a drama.

The bus came I sat down with the teddy bear that minwoo gave me it was so warm. I was slowly falling a sleep.

I finally felt my eyes closes.i leaned on the window. I felt my heart beating while I was sleeping. I felt minwoo's teddy bear fall out of my hand.I felt someone brushed my hair away from my face.I couldn't take it anymore. My heart was beating uncontrollably. I slowly open eyes. I saw I was laying my head on sung yeol shoulder. He quickly looked away when I opened my eye. I quickly raised my head and said "sorry"

He cleared his voice." Time to get off the bus" he said as he was getting up

I grabbed my teddy bear and got off the bus. It stopped raining

Sung yeol walked a head of me.

"Sung yeol wait up".I called out to him but he didn't stop.

" Sung Yeol oppa" I called this time. This time he stopped. I walked to him " ah so your weekness is someone calling you. Sung Yeol oppa." I said

He looked at me for a while. It felt werid so I decided to walk ahead of him.

I saw him still standing there. "Hurry sung yeol oppa" I called out to him. He walked over to me. He seemed that he was think about something when he was walking over to me.

"Let's go hwa young" he said with a small smile. "I'll walk you home" he said in a cool tone.

Sung yeol P.O.V

So your weekness is someone calling you sung yeol oppa. Her saying that kept ringing in my head.

"That's not my weekness" many girl call me sung yeol oppa especially Minah. It seem like hwa young is my weekness. I thought to myself as I walked over to her.

Kim hwa young your my weekness. You make me feel different. I never felt this way. I thought to myself as I was walking hwa young home. Why do you make me feel this way!


Hi! :)

Yay! Infinite has a new movie (?ost?). It's called "Grow".
The song I put this time is the song "together". The  song that was composed by our namstar.♡
This is a must watch. It  made me cry when I saw the teaser and the MV.
INFINITE sound so great ( as always) this will really touch your hearts.
Please check it out.♡♡

I actually saw it this morning when I came out here in the U.S but I didn't have time this morning to update my story and to add the song but I did I now :) late but I did it.

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♡ INFINITE fighting. Inspirit forever♡

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