Chapter 41: Don't leave me

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Hwa Young P.O.V.
"Hwa Young,Please be okay" i heard as i was resting.

Who is this voice. Why does this person voice sound so perfect to my ears. Why does it feel like i love the person behind the voice.

I slowly open my eyes seeing someone with loving eyes looking at me with tears coming down.

"Who are you?" i asked moving my hand to his cheek and wiped his tears alway "why do i feel like i know you" i said

He pull my hand to his lips kissed my hand "i missed you" he said leaving the room.

"Wait... Please don't go" i said looking at my hand.

"Jessica" i saw woohyun come in "Hoya asked me to give this to you while he's talking to the doctor."

I smiled "Thank you, but can i ask what happen?" I said

"You fainted in the restaurant while you were meeting my friend and i" he said

I closed my eyes and put my hand on my head because of the pain.

"Hwa Young-ah are you okay" i remembered someone saying that to me as the person smiled in relief . I could feel the warmth of his smile even though i could not see it.

"Let's get your prescription" he said taking my hand and i felt happy with him

Flashback end

"HwaYoung are you okay?" I heared hoya said

"Ah ne just a little headache" i answered back with a headache

"I have your medication we can leave when your ready"

Sungyeol P.O.V
I went outside leaning against the wall.

"You're back" i said to myself as woohyun came in

"Sungyeol, you know you can't easily get her back right she has amnesia. She has no clue who you are" Woohyun said

I looked down at the ground with a tear coming down "Hyung she's still the my girlfriend for right now she doesn't know me and im fine with that as long as i know she was okay" i said looking at him

HwaYoung P.O.V
I walked out of my hospital room and walked around looking for the guy who took me here.

As i was walking i saw woohyun. I walked over

"Woohyun" i said and he looked at me and smile looking back to who he was talking to.

I looked at the guy.

"HwaYoung he's the one who brought you here" woohyun said

He's the one from my dreams

I smiled "Thank you" i said softly looking into his dark brown eyes.

"No problem" he said making my heart beat faster.
Long time no update this is a very bad update but it's some how going to work out.
I missed you guys so much. And Honestly i'm tried calling my readers 'guys' so as of today you guys are my .... "Angels" that is the name for my followers/reader.

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