Keep this a secret Y/n!

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DISCLAIMER!Again,I recommend reading my books in order so you won't miss anything and understand what's going on.

About book 3!, remember!,just because it's being updated at the same time with this book, doesn't mean it interrupts the timeline!They don't get mixed together!

Now...Let's begin your new adventure Y/n!

Time skip 2 months after Y/n's recovery!




This is two months after Y/n's recovery from the second mission.As you all remember,she had been through a lot and had to be hospitalized for two whole months,and after she got out,she decided to live in Tokyo so she wouldn't be separated from her loved ones again.

Once she settled in,her life continued normally with many fun activities and adventures waiting for her.

Right now,Y/n is sitting alone in her living room,trying to find something interesting to watch to kill her boredom,since she has free time and is all alone in her mansion.

As she's helplessly trying to find something to her liking,she receives an unexpected call..

Your Pov!:

"God dang it!,there is nothing to watch!Now that I have the time there is nothing interesting!And how exactly did I end up being alone again?,how come everyone had something to do this afternoon!"

Everyone's excuses on the phone on why they couldn't keep you company:

Baki->"I have an exam at school and if I don't study for it I'm going to fail the school year,it's very difficult and sucks ass.Sorry Y/n.."

Katsumi ->"Sorry Y/n,I can't come right now..,my old man and I have to train our students at Shin Shin Kai and it's very important.."

Hanayama ->"Hello,Kizaki speaking.Hm?Oh no ma'am, Hanayama Kaoru is busy at the moment,he has an important business meeting".

Retsu ->"I'm sorry Y/n!,right now I have to go to Shin Shin Kai and I'm arleady late!Maybe some other time?"

Oliva->"Sorry Y/n,I forgot to tell you but I actually flew back to America to..,you know..See Maria!I really missed her and I'm going to stay for the whole month".

"Arlight..!,hope you have fun!",you hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch as you layed down lazily looking up at the ceiling.

"Wow!, everyone has something to do exept me! Amazing!",you rolled your eyes as you stood up from the couch to grab a snack from the kitchen.

"Every time I have time off from missions there is absolutely nothing to do!I have to get used to it arleady.., because looks like an interesting mission isnt just going to fall from the!",you stopped to listen if your phone would magically ring.

"It's not going to happen like last time is it?",you scoffed and continued your way to the kitchen stretching your arms.

Once you reached it,you went to the fridge and grabbed your favorite strawberry milk to drink.You drank some of it from the bottle and after you finished there was a mustache of milk above your lips.You didn't notice until you saw your reflection on the glass you picked up to pour the rest of the milk in.As you were about to whipe it off,a ringtone echoed from the other side of the mansion and you could clearly hear it as currently nobody was at home and it was DEAD silent.

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