His final decision

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Jurassic era,200 million years back:

As you watched the stars with Pickle,he noticed you were shocked about something,he didn't understand and tried to ask you about it but you told him it was nothing.

Seeing you insist,he decided to let it go since it was time for him to sleep.He was about to just lay on the hard ground when you immediately stopped him,you had prepared a comfortable enough bed for him made from leaves and decorated with flowers next to yours.

You layed him down on it and he seemed to like it better,you kissed him goodnight before laying on your bed.

You had never felt this way while going to sleep,so lost and trapped in a world so unfamiliar..Now you knew how Pickle must have felt when he woke up in your world,you felt bad for him,but for yourself as well.

Was there help coming any sooner?,or were you just stuck there?It would be nice if someone told you so you could start getting ready to live the rest of your life there an hour earlier.But that wasn't the case, something inside you was encouraging you to have faith.

Out of all these worries now I have to worry about this aswell..!I can't do anything about it but wait for the right moment to find out..,you thought to yourself before forcing your eyes to close and eventually fall asleep.




The next morning when Pickle woke up,he widely stretched his arms and breathed the fresh air around him,he had seen a nice dream,he dreamed about returning back to his world and that he had brought you with him as well,the two of you had fun,ate and watched the stars together.

When Pickle turned around,he was surprised to actually see you there,right next to him!He opened and closed his eyes multiple times before checking his surroundings and came into another shock.His dream was real!Or wait,maybe he thought that reality was a dream.But none of that mattered to Pickle,he was just happy that all of this wasn't his imagination.

Pickle watched you sleep,you had your back turned to him,so he found it a good idea to snuggle behind you.He layed down and brought your body close to his,his large arms wrapped around your waist.He breathed in your scent and snuggled his nose against your neck, surprisingly he placed lazy kisses starting from your neck to your cheek.

After all of that failed to wake you up,Pickle was puzzled.He senced something was wrong,and now that he thought about it your body temperature was unusually high.

He turned you around and panicked as he saw a bit of blood dripping from your lips,your eyes sweezed tightly in your sleep and sweat droplets running on your forehead,you had a really high fever.

Pickle panicked,as he wondered what had caused this,he remembered about the stew you two are last night and the mushrooms you put inside.

They must have been poisonous,thanks to Pickle's strong digestive system he wasn't harmed and wasn't bothered after eating them,but you on the other hand came from a whole different world where human bodies are sensitive and fragile.

Pickle picked you up in his arms and carried you down to the cave,layed you down on the ground before applying water on your body to cool you off.

Book 4! Reader X Baki Characters                                ~ Time Travel! ~Where stories live. Discover now