One day in his world

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Far away from all the chaos going on in Japan, Tokyo, specifically in Payne's lab down in the underground arena, another chaos had happened in Africa.

A giant elephant has been slaughtered,a breast that had taken down a whole army of armed troops,it was easily killed by a single man without any weapons.The man later on light up a campfire and cooked the elephants meat like it was nothing more than a easy prey to kill.

Who was that man?

It was obviously Yujiro.Today it was the last day Yujiro was staying in Africa and he was ready to go back to Japan.As he was devouring his meal,he suddenly had a bad feeling,but Yujiro never believed in those things so he just shook it off and continued eating.

Yujiro rolled his eyes as he finally remembered about you,the image of you smiling at him flashed through his mind and he couldn't help but slightly miss you.

He reached down to his pocket and took out the special keychain you gave him some months ago on his birthday,at first he looked at it uninterested as if it was a piece of worthless trash but then remembered the words you had told him giving it to him.

“Its a special keychain!, whenever you are far away and you miss me you can tap the button and I'll know!, I'll always keep my keychain with me!”

"Pft",he scoffed and shoved it back inside his pocket before folding his arms.He felt angry with himself for missing you,and even thinking about pressing the the keychains button.There was no way you would see if it glowed anyway.

But no one was around...,who would see him anyway?If someone did he would kill them immediately before they would snich on him.But who would be in the middle of the desert anyway!

After sitting there for a while staring at the campfire,he took out the keychain and eventually pressed the button.After looking at it for a while,it never glowed back.He pressed the button again.

. . .


He pressed it again.

. . .

Still nothing.

Yujiro was now getting impatient,you never responded back by pressing your keychains button to make his glow.That meant that you were ignoring him,or so that's what he thought.He was ready to toss the keychain in the fire when something inside him told him to keep it,he looked at the keychain again and scoffed before shoving it back in his pocket.

He took out his phone to call Strydum to pick him up with his helicopter and fly him back to Japan.He was going to confront you about the keychain once he arrived,but if only he knew that your life was currently in danger...

Back in Tokyo!, inside the underground arena and into the time machines room!

"Payne San!,what are we going to do!,how do we bring her back!"

"Payne San!",Allen repeated after Payne didn't respond him as he was panicking thinking about what to do himself.

"I-I don't know!"

"What do you mean you don't know!,are you telling me she's going to stay back in time forever!?Do something!", Katsumi slammed his fist on the wall making Payne jolt in fear.

"I didn't think about creating a device to bring back the person who traveled back in time!,I only made the time machine to travel back in time and..never come back!"

Book 4! Reader X Baki Characters                                ~ Time Travel! ~Where stories live. Discover now