If you love him, you'll let him go

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The next morning, you woke up to something tickling your nose, slowly opening your eyes you could see a white tail swinging left and right on your face,soon enough you realized it was Angelica trying to wake you up.

"Awww!,my personal little alarm clock!Come here!",you hugged her and kissed her head multiple times before letting her go and checked the time on your phones screen.

"Yep!,I woke up on time.Early enough to go see him..",you smiled and snuggled on your bed imagining it was Pickle's body and the covers hugging your body were his arms wrapped around you.

As you were on the verge of falling asleep again, Angelica bit your ass not enough to hurt you,but enough to startle and wake you up from your fantasies.

"YOU LITTLE!-COME BACK!",you ran after her as she ran off out of the room,and thankfully for her you were too tired to run after her so you just closed your rooms door and rubbed your eye in sleepiness.

Last night was sure both fun but exhausting too,you walked with Pickle around the streets for hours!,thank God you hadn't put on heels otherwise your legs would be killing you the day after.

"Ahh!,it was so fun!I hope we get to do that again..Pickle seems to be learning fast!,he didn't leave my side once and as if he knows what I'm telling him, he does it with no trouble!Maybe after all he understands me?",you talked to yourself as you walked to the bathroom to brush your teeth,on your way you greeted your servants good morning.

Meanwhile,Baki and the other three woke up early themselves,they had set their alarm clocks an hour earlier than usual just to be the first one to arrive in the arena to see you and make sure that Pickle doesn't harm you.If only they knew they had all set up their alarms at the exact same time!

All of them brushed their teeth,got ready,ate breakfast and headed straight for the arena!,not long after they arrived at the entrance of Tokyo Dome.They all met each other and had to pretend they were happy about it, while in reality,they were all competing each other on who would be the first one to see you.

"Good... morning",Baki scratched the back of his neck from the awkwardness of the atmosphere.

"Good morning", Hanayama replied firmly trying to hide that he was bothered they all came at the same time as him.(I knew i should have came earlier!),he thought to himself as he tried to play along.

"How come you're all so early?", Katsumi couldn't help himself from asking.

Baki->"Why are YOU so early?"

"Hey now what's with the attitude?,all of you!It's 9am in the morning for God's sake!I know exactly why all of us came so early and do not pretend you don't know so too",Retsu said as the oldest one out of the four making them look down on the ground in embarrassment.

"It's about that guy Pickle isn't it?, you all came here to protect Y/n from him".

"I just couldn't stand the idea of her being with him.., especially after what he did..His presence alone is a threat!",Baki scoffed shoving his hands inside his pockets.

"Especially towards us..", Hanayama fixed his glasses and everyone agreed with him.

"You guys!,you came too?Good morning!!",said a voice that seemed to get closer and closer to them from the distance.

They could see your figure getting out of a limousine before running towards them at full speed holding a stuffed looking gym bag, immediately after seeing you their worries drifted away and they all smiled happily.

"Hello Y/n!,you look very energetic today!"

"Thank you Katsumi!,I actually am!"

"What do you have in there Y/n?",Baki curiously asked,his hands reaching to open your bag but you hid it behind your back preventing him from doing so.

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