Time travel accident!

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You had been hugging Pickle for almost half an hour now, despite Pickle wanting to comfort you,he eventually gave up and just let you hug him,if that made you feel better then he let it be.He couldn't hear you crying anymore,you weren't moving either,which he assumed was because you had calmed down and felt better.

Payne who was watching you from afar couldn't take it seeing you in that miserable state anymore and ordered his guards to take you away.

Once they reached the arena, they tried to pick you up but Pickle didn't let them,he cluched onto you and wouldn't let go.

It was a few moments later that he realized that you were asleep,or maybe unconscious?,he tried to wake you up but before he could,Payne came behind him and gave him a shot of anesthetic putting him to sleep.

Payne's heart broke seeing you both asleep,it was like seeing a happy couple sleeping on top of each other peacefully, Pickle's arms were still hugging you as well.He signaled his guards to take you away,but even when unconscious, Pickle wasn't letting go of you easily.

After managing to take you away,the guards took you to the lab, aswell for Pickle after bringing the right equipment to carry him there.





(W-where am I...),you slowly opened your eyes after finally waking up from your sleep.

You could feel that the atmosphere of the room around you was hot,your body had started to slightly sweat.Looking around the room,you figured you were in Payne's lab, infront of you was for some reason laying Pickle on a transparent container with water underneath him.On his body were attached several wires connected to some kind of machine.Pickle wasn't awake at the moment,he was asleep.

(Why is he in there..?Oh...I remember..)

(Payne said he would put Pickle into his previous environment's temperature so his body wouldn't have any problems adjusting back to it when sent back to his era..That makes sense now..),you thought with your eyes almost closed again from sleepiness.

(So it's night right now..?,it's time for Pickle to go..? You're telling me that the moment he wakes up he is going to be transferred back to his Era by the time machine...?)

"Ghh..."(It's so hot in here...,it almost makes me want to fall asleep again...But I can't leave Pickle alone...,I have to do... something..),you tried to stand up,but before you could manage to do so, your eyes closed and your body relaxed again as you fell asleep back on your chair.

Meanwhile,Pickle was still asleep, unaware of where he was and why he was there.He was deep asleep and lost in his dreams,that would be nice for him if he was seeing good dreams.

But was he?

In his dream,Pickle was in a dark room,nothing was around him, there was only endless darkness surrounding him.He looked around until he finally spotted someone,a female siluet standing in the distance and standing out from the darkness.Smelling your scent coming from the siluet,Pickle immediately knew it was you and ran up to you happily.

Before he could reach you,you turned around and faced him, your hair loose and your body naked.You were smiling at him and he was about to smile back when he noticed several figures emerging from behind you.

Book 4! Reader X Baki Characters                                ~ Time Travel! ~Where stories live. Discover now