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After rushing out of Baki's house in a hurry,the first thing you did was call Tokugawa because by the time you got out he had already hung up.

"Come onnn!,come onnnn!Pick it up damn it!",you stomped your heel on the pavement as Tokugawa's line was busy.You walked as far as you could from Baki's house incase someone tried to catch up with you.

You then decided to call your driver and thankfully he immediately picked up and informed you that he hadn't drived that far after he dropped you off at Baki's house so he would come pick you up soon enough.

Immediatelly after you hung up the call, Tokugawa called you and you answered the call with your hands shaking and your heart racing.

"Y/n!I have to tell you somethi!-"

"TOKUGAWAAAAAAA! Before you say anything!,please PLEASE PLEASE tell me one one thing!Tell me that the man on the news wasn't Pickle!",you sweezed your eyes as you waited anxiously for Tokugawa's response.

"So you did see the news incident huh..", Tokugawa sighed as he was just about to tell you about it.

"So you're telling me that it was him?!Pickle sexually assaulted that innocent woman?!Why was he on the news anyway!,I thought he was supposed to be kept a secret from the public!AND I THOUGHT YOU SAID IF YOU DON'T BOTHER HIM HE IS HARMLESS!Just so you know it wasn't my fault because this whole time,even though I wanted to tell everyone..,I didn't say a word about Pickle to anybody!"

"Calm down Y/n!,I didn't accuse you for telling someone about him!Look..,I know the situation is really bad right now but for now I'm going to need you to come to my underground arena.."

"The underground..arena..?"

"Yes..,we had to transfer Pickle here since the military base we hid him previously was surrounded by protestants.. Anyway Y/n,make sure you come as soon as possible!"

"A-Arlight!, I'll be there as soon as I can!",you looked around in the road and at that same moment your limousine stopped right infront of you.You opened the door and closed it again after getting in.

You looked at your phone screen wondering about the consiqunses of agreeing to get involved in all of this, you were both nervous and.., exited.

(Now that I think about it..,I didn't even get to see Pickle's appearance clearly..,only his giant like mascular body..Gosh it was hot!But his face..,I didn't get the chance to see it..I hope he doesn't look like a monster!),you tried to shake the pessimistic thoughts away and tried to be positive.Besides it wasn't like you were going to meet him right now right?

"So Miss,where do we head off to?",said your driver as he looked at you from the mirror.

Tokyo Dome please!




After a bit of driving,you finally managed to make it to the underground arena,you had never got the chance to be there or even see it up close,but now that you did it was massive!Such a beautiful building.

You got out of your limousine and not a few steps ahead someone called your name,when you looked around you found Tokugawa standing in the distance with Strydum? next to him waiting for you at the entrance.

"Hey!,sorry If I'm late!",you ran up to them after closing the limousines door.

"Captain Strydum?,how come you're here? Weren't you with Yujiro this morning?"

Book 4! Reader X Baki Characters                                ~ Time Travel! ~Where stories live. Discover now