One night in her world

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Once the guards managed to get down in the arena,they immediately ran up to you and took Pickle away from you to help you up.They covered you with one of their coats since your clothes were ripped,and escorted you to the fighters changing room where Tokugawa,Payne and the other four were waiting for you, some of them to congratulate you and some of them... waiting for explanations.

"Y/n!,you did it!,you made Pickle show us his true feelings and the way he makes love!",Payne shook your hand in exitment and admiration.

"I did?,well..,I'm glad..",you shook his hand back but you felt a bit uncomfortable since Baki and the other three were sitting behind him with their arms crossed as they had seen you and had misunderstood your purpose.

"Will anyone explain us what's going on?, because what we saw earlier was..ugh..",Baki scoffed with jealousy and so did the others beside him.

"Guys!,this was for an experiment!, don't tell me you're jealoussss?",you teased and they all looked away in embarrassment trying to hide it.

Katsumi ->"Us? Jealous?Pft!,no way!"

"Not a tiny bit..!And what kind of experiment was that?, couldn't anyone else do it?", Retsu said with his tone raised and bothered.

"Let us explain things from the beginning!, looks like we have no choice but to tell them the truth..", Tokugawa looked behind him for your approval and both you and Payne nodded.

"So!, first things first, about four months ago we found this man-"

"Pickle!",you interrupted Tokugawa to correct him and he rolled his eyes.

"Yes Pickle -"

"Pickle?,what kind of name is that?",Baki interrupted him and now Tokugawa was annoyed.

"LET ME FINISH GOD DAMN IT AND THEN YOU CAN MAKE AS MANY COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS YOU WANT!", Tokugawa yelled and everyone stared at him confused but eventually stayed silent to let him finish.

*Sigh*,"we found this man Pickle preserved with a dinosaur in salt rock, received him back to life and wanted to make him feel more welcome into our world since there is a massive difference between our era and his, so we gave him a partner and that was Y/n. They hung out together for about 1 week but then Pickle escaped and went to Y/n's mansion, Y/n welcomed him,but then Payne here was angry with that thinking it was too risky for Pickle,so he decided to go to the next phaze of the project and separate them for one week and then Pickle was depressed,Y/n was sad and eventually today we reunited them and we had to do this experiment to finish Paynes investigation,"*BIG inhale*,"any questions?"

Retsu->"Y-you mean that man really came from the Jurassic era?I mean we saw it at the news but we didn't really believe it!"

"Indeed he is,and he is a proud warrior just like you!All of you!He craves for fights and competition,but most likely a companion as well.Y/n here was one of the very few people to know about him,and afterwards offered herself to be Pickle's companion",Payne said and pushed you forward gently.

Hanayama ->"Y/n..Why..?"

"Guys why are you so surprised?,at this point you know me!,I'm always seeking for missions and "adventurous" stuff!"

Baki->"Yeah but why did you keep this a secret from us!"

"Because ever since I got out of the hospital you are always overreacting with the smallest things!,and besides Tokugawa here told me to keep it a secret and not to tell anyone about it!,I had no other choice!"

"We do it because we are worried about you..,we are sorry..",they all said lowering their heads down.

"Aww!,come on now it's arlight!I forgive you,but will you forgive me for keeping this a secret from you?"

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