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"Miss Y/n?",said a maid slightly opening your rooms door to check on you.

"Get out!",you yelled hidding under the blankets on your bed.

"A-Arlight..,please let me know if you need something..",the maid slowly closed the door again leaving you alone in your room.You stayed silent under the blankets and continued your protest.

You were like that for a whole week now,ever since you had been separated from Pickle you had become depressed and felt like you had betrayed your promise to him.

You promised that you would be with him at the arena the day after the incident of his escape and even come earlier than usual,but the next day Payne informed you that you were not aloud in the arena and forbidden from seeing Pickle.He didn't bother explaning you why,he just told you so from the phone.

No matter how much you tried to reason with him,he wouldn't listen to you and hang up the call.For a whole week now, you're devastated and locked in your room, hidding under the blankets of your bed in distress and guiltiness for lying to Pickle.

Meanwhile, Pickle was sitting inside the arena, everyday waiting for you to come back.Each day passed with you never showing up,but he didn't lose hope.He waited,and waited,but only food came.

Payne brought him one Siberian tiger everyday,but out of his anger and depression,Pickle would sand up to kill them,only to leave them dead and sit back on his spot,not bothering to eat them.

It came to the point Payne had to stop sending him the tigers because there was no use, Pickle didn't eat them no matter how hungry he was,as if he was protesting until you came back.

Pickle was so desperate to see you that he actually attempted to escape from the arena multiple times,but all of them were unsuccessful as the guards shot him with a sleeping dart making him fall unconscious each time.After all of those failed attempts,Pickle could only sit there and wait, sometimes he wouldn't even sleep while waiting for you.

Payne was fascinated,he didn't expect Pickle to miss you so much to the point he wasn't eating his food or sometimes not even sleeping.He never expected you to affect Pickle so much in just one day of properly spending time with him.

He thought of the things you told him,that Pickle didn't cause any trouble while staying in your mansion and you even managed to shower and feed him without any problem.He knew that Pickle only ate when he was attacked and upon hearing he ate ordinary food,he was stunned.Could it be possible that Pickle was actually domesticated by you?




"Y/n..?,Can I get in?"

You were ready to yell for the person behind the door to go away,but upon hearing it was Alfred's voice,you didn't say a word so he eventually came in.

He slowly made his way torwards the bed, watching the motionless bump under the blankets move to the side as soon as he sat on the bed.

"Y/n..,please get out of the covers and let's have a talk".

You shook your head still hidding under the covers, you weren't in the mood to talk to anyone even if it was him.

"I will give you a caramel candy if you come out♪",he took one out of his suits chest pocket and sweezed it's wrapper making sounds so you would know he wasn't lying.Deep inside him, Alfred felt a bit stupid trying the tactics he used to when you were a little toddler because it wasn't the first time you had one of those tantrums.

Book 4! Reader X Baki Characters                                ~ Time Travel! ~Where stories live. Discover now