Was that Pickle?!

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"Pickle...,I want to see him..,I want to meet him...", you murmured in your sleep and as one of your maids entered your room,she heard you and came to check on you.

"Y/n?,what's wrong?",the elderly maid tapped your shoulder to wake you up but you still continued to repeat Pickle's name again and again.


"AGHGHHHHHH!",you finally woke up from your sleep, startled and with your hair messed up.

"Good grief what has gotten into you! Speaking about pickles in your sleep!",the maid laughed and you looked at her embarrassed.

'Was I speaking out loud in my sleep again..?",you akwardly asked rubbing your eye.

"You sure were dear.Are you craving pickles for breakfast?",she chuckled as she started making your bed after you got up to put on your slippers.

"N-no I'm not!"

Gosh was I dreaming about Pickle all night?And even worse I was saying his name in my sleep!I haven't even seen the guy and yet my mind is filled with him!IM SO FRICKING LAME!

"I-I would appreciate some pancakes for breakfast please..",you sat on your vanity and changed the subject as you begun brushing your hair.

"Arlight then,pickle flavored pancakes coming right up!",the maid joked after she was done preparing your bed and was ready to exit your room.

"CAROLLLLL!",you yelled the elderly maids name blushing from embarrassment and quickly went back to brushing your hair after she closed the door laughing.

(Pickle...,why even name him that! Even though that name is adorable..,not going to lie.I still wonder...,how he looks..,how he acts and even if he will ever manage to speak human language..)

(I-I have to shake off the thoughts about him!,gosh!What has gotten into me!, really!)

₍⁠₍Phone buzzing ⁾⁠⁾

"Who is it at this hour..?,I woke up early to prepare myself for Tokugawa's meeting..",you walked over to the bed and sat on it after picking up your phone from the bedside table.


"Oh good morning Y/n!,did I wake you up?"

"No Baki,I woke up a while ago..Did anything happen?You don't usually call me at this time".

"Nope!, nothing happened,it's just that me and the others are hanging out at my house and we were wondering if you can come join us!We have arleady gathered!"

"Good morning Y/n!", said Katsumi who sticked close to Baki to speak with you on the phone.

"Oh!,hello Katsumi!How come you all decided to gather up today?", yesterday you were all busy..

"Well today we're not so it's a good opportunity for us to meet!We feel bad for yesterday Y/n..,none of us was able to reach out..Do you think you could forgive us..?", Baki asked as he spinned circles around his living room nervously.

"Baki!,I'm not mad at you or anything to forgive you!It's just that today something important came up...",you said and deep inside you you wanted to tell him about the secret Tokugawa shared with you yesterday about Pickle's discovery.

"What is it?,is it something we can help you with?"

"Oh no!, no!, no!,I can handle it by myself!It's something p-personal!",you lied not wanting to talk about it further more.Then,you looked at the time on your phone and after seeing that you had plenty of time until Tokugawa's meeting,you decided to go so you wouldn't cause any suspicions.

Book 4! Reader X Baki Characters                                ~ Time Travel! ~Where stories live. Discover now